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촉매반응에 의한 톨루엔으로부터 벤즈알데히드의 생성
Catalytic Formation of Benzaldehyde from Toluene
HWAHAK KONGHAK, June 1983, 21(3), 135-142(8), NONE
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기상촉매산화반응을 통하여 톨루엔으로부터 벤즈알데히드를 생성시켰으며 이 반응에 대한 활성도가 높은 촉매를 개발하여 최적반응조건을 구하였다.
본 연구에서는 주촉매로서 V2O5가 선택되었으며 Bi2O3가 촉매의 활성을 높이기 위하여 첨가 사용되었다. 최대의 활성을 보인 촉매는 V2O5 : Bi2O3 mole 백분율이 80 : 20인 것이었으며, 반응최적조건은 반응온도 500 ℃, 공간속도 2,500 l/hr/l-cat 및 공기/톨루엔 몰비 26일 때이었다.
본 연구에서는 주촉매로서 V2O5가 선택되었으며 Bi2O3가 촉매의 활성을 높이기 위하여 첨가 사용되었다. 최대의 활성을 보인 촉매는 V2O5 : Bi2O3 mole 백분율이 80 : 20인 것이었으며, 반응최적조건은 반응온도 500 ℃, 공간속도 2,500 l/hr/l-cat 및 공기/톨루엔 몰비 26일 때이었다.
A study was performed to develop a useful catalyst and to find its optimum reaction condition for the catalytic formation of benzaldehyde from toluene through vapor phase oxidation.
For this purpose, V2O5 was selected as a main catalyst and Bi2O3 was added to enhance the activity of the catalyst.
The yield of benzaldehyde was determined by analyzing the gas products produced during passing through the catalyst layer.
The following results were obtained:
1. The catalyst, whose composition is V2O5 80 %, Bi2O3 20 % by mole ratio, shows the highest activity.
2. The optimum reaction conditions are 500 ℃ of reaction temperature, 2,500 l/hr/l-cat of space velocity, and 26 of air/toluene mole ratio.
For this purpose, V2O5 was selected as a main catalyst and Bi2O3 was added to enhance the activity of the catalyst.
The yield of benzaldehyde was determined by analyzing the gas products produced during passing through the catalyst layer.
The following results were obtained:
1. The catalyst, whose composition is V2O5 80 %, Bi2O3 20 % by mole ratio, shows the highest activity.
2. The optimum reaction conditions are 500 ℃ of reaction temperature, 2,500 l/hr/l-cat of space velocity, and 26 of air/toluene mole ratio.