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회분식 반응기내에서 부생석고와 탄산암모늄의 반응
The Reaction of By-product Gypsum with Ammonium Carbonate in a Batch Reactor
HWAHAK KONGHAK, August 1985, 23(4), 253-262(10), NONE
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인산질 비료 제조시 부생되는 석고와 탄산암모늄과의 반응에 대한 반응기구를 연구하였다. 석고와 탄산암모늄의 반응은 CO32- 의 농도에 일차로 정비례하는 일차반응 속도식에 따라 진행하였고, 20∼50 ℃ 온도범위에서의 반응속도상수 k(sec-1)와 온도 T(K)와의 관계는log k = -3630(1/T)+8.657로 표시될 수 있었고, 그때의 활성화에너지는 16.61 kcal/mole이었다. 또한 50 ℃에서 15분간 반응시켜 얻어진 황인결정은 그 순도가 97.33 %로 걸정성이 매우 좋았다.
A chemical reaction mechanism has been studied on the reaction of by-product gypsum with ammonium carbonate. The reaction followed a first-order kinetics which as directly proportional to the concentration of carbonate ion. The rate constant, k(sec-1) was related to the reaction temperature, T(K) over the range of 20 to 50 ℃ by the equation, log k = -3630 1/T+8.657, and the energy of activation was 16.61 Kcal/mole. The ammonium sulfate which was obtained by the reaction at 50 ℃ for 15 minutes was 97.33 wt% in puity, and showed a good crystallinity.