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액막법을 이용한 습식인산중의 우라늄(VI) 회수에 관한 실험적 고찰(I)
Experimental Study on the Recovery of Uranium(VI) from Wet Process Phosphoric Acid by Liquid Surfactant Membrane
HWAHAK KONGHAK, August 1985, 23(4), 263-271(9), NONE
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습식인산 중에 존재하는 소량의 우라늄을 담체로서 D2EHPA와 TOPO를 함유한 W/O/W형태의 액막에 의하여 회수하였다. D2EHPA와 TOPO에 의한 우라늄 추출은 발열반응인 반면에 역 추출은 흡열반응이었으며 반응열은 역추출쪽이 더 큰 값을 나타내었다. 액막에 의한 물질전달은 확산 뿐만 아니라 역추출 과정도 율속단계임을 보였다. 본 연구의 실험변수로 사용된 계의 온도, 계면활성제의 농도, 교반속도, W/O비율, 담체의 농도, HF의 농도 등은 물질전달 속도 뿐만 아니라 액막의 안정성에도 영향을 미치므로 이 두 조건을 동시에 만족시킬 수 있는 최적 실험조건을 규명하였다.
Experimental investigation was performed on the recovery of uranium(VI) from Wet Process Phosphoric Acid by the novel liquid surfactant membrane with carrier mediated counter transport mechanism through batch operation.
The membrane carrier used were D2EHPA and TOPO showing the synergistic effect. The extraction of uranium(VI) was an exothermic reaction and the stripping of uranium complex was an endothermic reaction. The various experimental variables such as temperature of system, concentration of surfactant, stirring speed, W/O ratio, concentration of carrier, concentration of HF had to be properly controlled in order to maintain the membrane stability and the recovery efficiency of uranium. In the transfer mechanism of uranium(VI), both diffusion and stripping reaction were rate controlling steps. By use of ICP-Emission Spectroscopy as an analysis instrument, the efficiency of recovery and membrane breakage were simultaneously measured.
The membrane carrier used were D2EHPA and TOPO showing the synergistic effect. The extraction of uranium(VI) was an exothermic reaction and the stripping of uranium complex was an endothermic reaction. The various experimental variables such as temperature of system, concentration of surfactant, stirring speed, W/O ratio, concentration of carrier, concentration of HF had to be properly controlled in order to maintain the membrane stability and the recovery efficiency of uranium. In the transfer mechanism of uranium(VI), both diffusion and stripping reaction were rate controlling steps. By use of ICP-Emission Spectroscopy as an analysis instrument, the efficiency of recovery and membrane breakage were simultaneously measured.