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원소상 황에 의한 함티탄자철광의 황화반응
Sulfidization of Titaniferous Magnetite with Elemental Sulfur
HWAHAK KONGHAK, December 1985, 23(6), 425-430(6), NONE
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원소상 황의 새로운 황화제로서의 사용가능성을 조사하고자 탄소존재하에서 원소상 황과 함티탄자철광의 반응을 시도하였다. 반응변수로서는 황분압, 반응온도, 함티탄자철광에 대한 탄소첨가량의 무게비, 반응시간, 함티탄자철광의 입도 등이 선정되었으며 검토결과 본 황화반응의 적정조건은 황분압 0.2 atm. 반응온도 800 ℃, 함티탄자철광에 대한 첨가탄소량의 무게비 0.7, 반응시간 90분, 함티탄자철광의 입도 -150 mesh였다.
위 조건에서 얻어진 황화반응생성물을 1 M HCl로 침출한 후 얻은 잔사의 TiO2 함량은 78.48 %였다.
위 조건에서 얻어진 황화반응생성물을 1 M HCl로 침출한 후 얻은 잔사의 TiO2 함량은 78.48 %였다.
The reactions in the carbon-elemental sulfur-titaniferous magnetite system were investigated in order to find the possibility of elemental sulfur being an alternative sulfidization agent. The study of this reaction included reaction variables such as partial pressure of sulfur, reaction temperature, weight ratio of added carbon to titaniferous magnetite, reaction time, and particle size of titaniferous magnetite.
The proper conditions for this sulfidization were that partial pressure of sulfur 0.2 atm. reaction temperature 800 ℃, weight ratio of added carbon to titaniferous magnetite 0.7, reaction time 90 min. and particle size of titaniferous magnetite under 150 mesh.
The content of TiO2 of residue obtained by leaching the sulfidized product with 1 M HCl was 78.48 %.
The proper conditions for this sulfidization were that partial pressure of sulfur 0.2 atm. reaction temperature 800 ℃, weight ratio of added carbon to titaniferous magnetite 0.7, reaction time 90 min. and particle size of titaniferous magnetite under 150 mesh.
The content of TiO2 of residue obtained by leaching the sulfidized product with 1 M HCl was 78.48 %.