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격막을 통한 물질전달시 발생되는 자연대류(1부: 아세톤-톨루엔-물 계에서 계면대류에 대한 실험)

Natural Convection Induced by Mass Transfer through Membrane(Part 1 : Experiment for Interfacial Convection in Acetone-Toluene-Water Systems)

HWAHAK KONGHAK, February 1987, 25(1), 91-100(10), NONE
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아세톤-톨루엔-물 계에서 물질전달에 의해 발생되는 계면대류 현상을 고찰하였다. 아세톤의 전달방향에 따라 상이하게 작용하는 Rayleigh효과를 격막을 사용하여 고립시켜 그 영향을 조사하였다. 유체층의 대류 양상은 shadowgraph에 의해 가시화 되었으며 계면에서 발생되는 에디의 발생간격은 광감지 장치에 의해 측정하였다. 계면 장력 효과는 격막에 의해 억제됨을 관찰할 수 있었다. 밀도에 의한 계면대류 발생 양상은 주기적으로 에디가 생성되는 thermals형 대류 양상을 보였다. 에디의 발생주기는 농도 추진력이 증가할수록 짧아졌으며, 크기는 농도 추진력이 증가하고, Schmidt수가 커질수록 작아졌다. 물질전달속도는 대류발생시 단순 확산 이동보다 2-4배 증가하였다.
The phenomenon of interfacial convection induced by mass transfer was investigated in aceton-toluene-water systems. In particular, the Rayleigh effects were examined with the change in vertical direction of mass transfer by inserting a porous membrane between two phases. The convective flow patterns were visualized by the optical technique of shadowgraph and the periods of eddy generation were measured by a specially disigned photosensitive detector. In the present experiments, the interfacial-tension effects were effectively suppressed by the membrane. The flow patterns of interfacial convection caused by the density gradient effect were shown to be the type of thermals, which were generated periodically from the interface. The generation period and the size of eddies decreased with increase in the concentration driving force. It was found that the rate of solute transfer accompanied by buoyancy-driven convection inreased 2-4 times as high as that of the pure molecular diffusion for 5×107<Ra<1.5×1011.


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