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축 방향 분산 모델의 해석적 방법에 관한 연구

A Study on the Discrimination of Analytical Method in Dispersion Model

HWAHAK KONGHAK, April 1987, 25(2), 175-182(8), NONE
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반응기 내 유체를 전기화학 반응시켜 만든 추적자를 이용하여 반응기를 해석하였다. 주입점 전역에서 추적자가 균일하게 발생되도록 분산판을 이용하여 이상적인 단계 함수를 주입하여 이때 얻어진 응답만으로 고정충 반응기에 대한 단일 매개 변수(one parameter) 모델식의 축 방향 분산 계수 산출의 여러 방법을 비교 검토하였다. 그 결과 분포 곡선의 최대치는 실험 값보다 모두 크게 나타났으며, 오차가 가장 작은 방법(method) III는 1.04% 이내의 오차를 나타내었다. 이 방법으로부터 구한 축 방향 분산 계수는 다음과 같이 나타낼 수 있다.
DL = 0.824Us0.983 dp0.933,(㎠/sec)
The reactor was analysed by a tracer, which was made by electrochemical reaction out of fluid. Tracer was injected as a step of idealized shape in distributor, which evenly made the tracer. Axial dispersion coefficients are estimated from various methods of parameters model in inert fixed bed reactor by the analysis of the ideal step function technique. As a result, maximum values of distribution curves are higher than experimental value, and the response signals predicted are then compared with the measured signal; Method III agrees well with the measured signal : Method IV is very close to the measured signal, but Method II deviates significantly from the measured signal : Method IV is found to give parameter values close to those of the Method III analysis, from which the most realiable values are obtained. Next to the Method IV are, in order of Method IV fitting, the Method V and Method I and Method II. The experimental error of Method III is 1.04 %. Using the axial dispersion coefficient estimated from Method III, we could obtained the following relationship.
DL = 0.824Us0.983 dp0.933,(㎠/sec)


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