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활성탄고정층에 의한 DBS-Eriochrome Blank T의 이성분계 흡착
Binary Adsorption of DBS-Eriochrome Black T by Activated Carbon Fixed Bed
HWAHAK KONGHAK, April 1987, 25(2), 183-192(10), NONE
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폐수중에 존재하는 계면활성제인 DBS(Dodecyl Benzene sulfonate)와 염료의 일종인 EBT[Eriochrone Black T, 1-(1-hydroxy-2-naphthylazo)-6-nitro-2-naphthol-4-sulfonicacid sodium salt]의 그성분이 포함된 수용액계를 황성탄으로 충진된 실험흡착탑에 흡착시켜 생성된 실측파라곡선을 Hsieh 등이 전개한 액상경막, 고상경막 및 고액혼합경막율속의 3가지 고정층 모델에 적용하여 잘 부합되는 모델식을 발견하고 흡착탑의 층고, 피흡착용액의 탑내유입속도, 유입액의 농도에 의한 흡착파라곡선의 영향을 연구하였다. 그 결과 고상율속 모델이 본 연구계에서는 가장 적합한 모델이었으며, 층고가 증가할수록 EBT의 overshoot는 길어지며 유입속도가 클수록 overshoot의 높이와 폭이 작아졌다. 그리고 유입액의 농도가 클수록 EBT의 overshoot의 높이와 폭이 커짐을 확인하였다.
An adsorption study was carried out for a water system consisted of two components of DBS-Eriochrome Black T on a fixed bed packed with granular activated carbon. The results were tested by data-fitting with breakthrough curves to elucidate which is the most optimum model among three different models-liquid phase controlling model, solid phase controlling model and combined liquid-solid phase controlling model-which were developed by Hsieh and co-workers. Also this work was studied on the breakthrough curve which was affected by variation of bed height, inflow rate of liquid phase, and concentration of each species of inflow liquid phase. It was confirmed that the optimum fixed bed model for the system is the solid phase controlling model. Appearance time of each species at top column is delayed and the width of overshoot is wider with increased length of bed height. Appearance time of each species at the top column is faster and the rate of concentration change of out flow systems is slower with the increase of flow rate. The width and height of overshoot is narrower and shorter, respectively, with the increase of flow rate.