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Humic Acid의 염소화반응과 응집
Chlorination and Coagulation of Humic Acid
HWAHAK KONGHAK, June 1987, 25(3), 303-311(9), NONE
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염소처리 전후의 humic acid의 조성, 말단기의 변화 그리고 chloroform과 함께 부생되는 3-chloro-2-methyl but-1-ene을 GC-MS, FT-IR 및 FT-NMR로 확인함으로써 humic acid로부터 THM의 생성기구를 추정하였다.
한강수 및 한강수역 토양에서 추출한 humic acid의 분자량분포와 염소와의 반응성을 연구한 결과 THM의 생성량은 humic acid의 분자량과 무관함이 판명되었다. 마지막으로 humic acid를 효율적으로 제거하기 위하여 활성탄을 이용한 흡착법과 명반을 이용한 응집법을 비교한 결과 후자의 방법이 더욱 효과적임을 알 수 있었다.
한강수 및 한강수역 토양에서 추출한 humic acid의 분자량분포와 염소와의 반응성을 연구한 결과 THM의 생성량은 humic acid의 분자량과 무관함이 판명되었다. 마지막으로 humic acid를 효율적으로 제거하기 위하여 활성탄을 이용한 흡착법과 명반을 이용한 응집법을 비교한 결과 후자의 방법이 더욱 효과적임을 알 수 있었다.
The formation mechanism of THM from humic acid was studied. The changes in compositions and functional groups of chlorinated humic acid were investigated and 3-chloro-2-methyl but-1-ene by produced in the chlorination reaction was identified with GC-MS, FT-IR and FT-NMR. The formation mechanism was supposed with these results.
The molecular weight distributions and reactivities with chlorine of humic acids extracted from the Han river and reverside soil were investigated. The formation potential of THM was independent of their molecular weights. Finally, efficiencies for the removal of humic acid with activated carbon and alum were compared. The coagulation with alum was more effective than the adsorption with activated carbon.
The molecular weight distributions and reactivities with chlorine of humic acids extracted from the Han river and reverside soil were investigated. The formation potential of THM was independent of their molecular weights. Finally, efficiencies for the removal of humic acid with activated carbon and alum were compared. The coagulation with alum was more effective than the adsorption with activated carbon.