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유동층 반응기에서 고정화된 Candida tropicalis 미생물에 의한 페놀 처리

The Treatment of Phenol by Immobilized Candida tropicalis in Fluidized Bed Reactor

HWAHAK KONGHAK, August 1987, 25(4), 401-408(8), NONE
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호기성 미생물인 C.tropicalis를 alginate gel에 고정화시켜 2상계 및 3상계 유동층 생물반응기에서 페놀 용액과 접촉시켜 페놀처리 정도를 실험하고, 이를 유도된 모델식과 비교하였다.
이 결과 도입 페놀 농도 100 ㎎/l, 도입 유속 0.25 ㎝/s, 재순환율 3인 경우 70 % 이상의 페놀처리 효과를 얻을 수 있었으며, 페놀처리 효율은 다음의 모델식으로 표현할 수 있었다.
((1+R/F)(Co+RCf/F))-1/2-((1+R/F)2Cf)-1/2 = l Kτ
1K=3(2KD)-1/2/2aR = 1.392Co-0.381; 2-phase system
=3.537Co-0.711G0.309; 3-phase system
The removal efficiency of phenol was experimented by the C.tropicalis immobilized on calcium alginate gel in the 2-phase and 3-phase fluidized bed reactor respectively.
The removal efficiency of phenol above 70 % was obtained at the feed concentration of 100 ㎎/l, feed velocity of 0.25 ㎝/s and recycle ratio of 3. The phenol degradation was satisfied as the follows equation;
((1+R/F)(Co+RCf/F))-1/2-((1+R/F)2Cf)-1/2 = l Kτ
1K=3(2KD)-1/2/2aR = 1.392Co-0.381; 2-phase system
=3.537Co-0.711G0.309; 3-phase system


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