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침상형 Goethite를 분산시킨 현탁기포탑에서의 기체체류량과 용량물질 전달계수[I]
Gas Holdup and Volumetric Mass Transfer Coefficient in Slurry Bubble Column of Acicular Goethite Suspension[I]
HWAHAK KONGHAK, February 1989, 27(1), 23-32(10), NONE
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1N-NaOH 수용액에 장축의 길이가0.27㎛이고 표준편차가 0.07㎛인 정규분포를 갖는 Goethite 침상입자를 현탁시켜 각 농도별로 현탁액의 점도를 측정한 결과 Ostwald-de Waele의 power law에 적용됨을 알았으며, 직경 0.5mm의 분산구가 사방 1cm 간격으로 89개 뚫린 1cm두께의 acryl분산핀을 이용한 직경 10cm와 높이 200cm인 bubble column에 현탁용액 6리터를 채워 공기의 유속 1.4-15.0cm/sec 범위와 system온도 20℃에서 실험을 행한 결과 기체체류량 및 산소의 용량물질 전달계수를 아래와 같이 나타낼 수 있다.
g = 0.0321Ug0.611 ηeff-0.0896
kLㆍa = 0.00307Ug0.787 ηeff-0.185/(1+0.165Φ3.33)
g = 0.0321Ug0.611 ηeff-0.0896
kLㆍa = 0.00307Ug0.787 ηeff-0.185/(1+0.165Φ3.33)
It was found that a slurry prepared from acicular Goethite particle(0.27㎛ in long axis and standard deviation is 0.07㎛) in 1N-NaOH aqueous solution obeys the Power Law of Ostwald-de Waele by measuring the vis-cosity of the slurry for each solid concentration. Subsequently, the gas holdup and volumetric mass transfer coefficient of oxygen were determined by measuring slurry density and dissolved oxygen in a slurry bubble column(10cm in diameter and 200cm in height)equipped with a perforated plate(1cm thickness of acryl)having 89 holes(0.5cm in diameter)with 1cm rectangular interval and filled with 6 liters of the above slurry, using air flow rate of 1.4-15.0cm/sec at 20℃. Gas holdup and volumetric mass transfer coefficient can be represented by the following equations.
εg = 0.0321Ug0.611 ηeff-0.0896
kLㆍa = 0.00307Ug0.787 ηeff-0.185/(1+0.165Φ3.33)
εg = 0.0321Ug0.611 ηeff-0.0896
kLㆍa = 0.00307Ug0.787 ηeff-0.185/(1+0.165Φ3.33)