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VSM에 의한 단일기체 흡착등온선으로부터 혼합기체 흡착평형 예측
The Prediction of Binary Gas Mixture Adsorption Equilibria from Single Component Adsorption Isotherms Based on Vacancy Solution Model
HWAHAK KONGHAK, June 1989, 27(3), 245-251(7), NONE
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본 연구는 VSM 이론을 이용하여 단일기체 흡착등온선으로부터 혼합기체 흡착데이타를 예측하고자 한 것이다. 제올라이트 5A 흡착제에 propane과 butane으로 등온 흡착실험을 하였으며 VSM에 의한 단일기체 흡착등온식에 있는 매개변수들(n1s,∞, b1, Λ13, Λ31)을 실험데이타에 의해서 비선형 회귀법과 최적화방법으로 구하였으며 이 매개변수들을 이용하여 시행착오법으로 혼합기체의 데이터를 예측하였다. 두 흡착질의 조성을 달리하면서 혼합물 흡착실험을 하였으며 실험데이타는 VSM 이론에 잘 부합하였다.
This study is to predict adsorption equilibrium data for binary gas mixture systems using the vacancy solution model(VSM). The single component adsorption isotherms of propane and n-butane on a 5A molecular sieves(Davison C-625) were determined experimentally and from these isotherms the parameters in a single component adsorption isotherm equation by the vacancy solution model(n1s∞, b1, Λ13, Λ31)were ca;ci;ated. A nonlinear regression method and an op-timization method were employed in the calculation of the parameters. The parameters were then used in the predic-tion of the binary gas mixture adsorption equilibrium curve through a trial-and-error method. The experimental mixed-gas adsorption data for varying composition of propane-n-butane mixture were in good agreement with the predicted equilibrium curve based on the VSM.