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고분자 결합제를 함유함 입상체의 압축특성
Compression Characteristics of the Flocculated Granule with Polymeric Binders-PartII. Correlation between Intragranular Stress and Compacted Density in the granular Bed
HWAHAK KONGHAK, February 1990, 28(1), 22-29(8), NONE
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고분자 물질을 결합제로 사용하여 고형충전물을 피복-응집시킨 입상체를 압축할 때, 입상체층 내의 intragranular stress, 입자-벽면간의 마찰, 압축밀도간의 상관관계를 규명하였다. 입상체층 상단에 가해진 압력과 하단에 전달된 압력간에는 선형관계가 성립되었고, 압축밀도에 대한 입상체크기와 입도분포의 영향은 결합제의 특성에 의해 결정되었다.
When the flocculated granul with polymeric binders were compressed, correlations for intragranular stress, particle-wall friction, and % TMD in the granular bed has been investigated. The relation between the applied pressure and the transmitted pressure was linear over the entire applied pressure range for all of the samples. The effect of the granule size and distribution on the compacted density was dominated largely due to the binder characteristics.
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Heckel RW, Trans. Metal. Soc. AIME, 221, 1001 (1961)
Nystrom C, Mazur J, Sjogrem J, Int. J. Pharm., 10, 209 (1982)
Nystrom C, Glazer M, Int. J. Pharm., 23, 255 (1985)
Duberg M, Nystrom C, Powder Technol., 46, 67 (1986)
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Hersey JA, Rees JE, Nature Phys. Sci., 230, 96 (1971)
Hersey JA, Bayraktar G, Shotton E, J. Pharm. Pharmac., 19, 24S (1967)
York P, J. Pharm. Pharmac., 24, 47 (1972)
Burchett OL, Dietzel RW, Montoya AP, "The Compaction Behavior of Ten Pyrotechnic Materials," SAND (1979)
Kuo KK, Yang V, Moore BB, J. Ballistics, 4, 697 (1980)
Elban WL, Gross SB, Kim K, Bernecker RR, "Quasi-Static Compaction Studies for DDT Investigation: Inert Materials," NSWC (1982)
Elban WL, Chiarito MA, Powder Technol., 46, 181 (1986)
Kim HS, Lee KJ, Kim HS, "Study on the Improving Process of Molding Powder, DXD-51 and DXD-52," AWHD-519-89039C, ADD (1989)
Hildebrant FJ, "Composition A-3 Desensitizer Replacement Program GG-37300 Ctg. 105mm, HEP-T M393A2," Picatinny Arsenal (1975)
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MacDougall CS, "Compositional Analysis of Viton Used in Explosive," MHSMP (1975)
MIL-STD-650: "Explosive: Sampling, Inspection and Testing," Method No. 201 2 (1962)
Fukumori Y, Carsten JT, Int. J. Pharm. Tech. Prod. Mfr., 4, 1 (1983)
Kim HS, "Compression Characteristics of the Flocculated Granule with Polymeric Binders," Ph.D. Thesis, Yonsei Univ. (1988)