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XPS를 이용한 금속판과 배합고무의 접착 및 접착열화 연구
Study on Adhesion and Degradation of Adhesion between Metal Plate and Rubber Compound by Using XPS
HWAHAK KONGHAK, February 1991, 29(1), 97-105(9), NONE
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구리, 아연 및 황동판과 배합고무가 서로 접착되고, 열, 염수 및 열수처리로 접착이 열화되는 과정을 X-선 광전자 분광기로 조사하였다. 구리판과 배합고무의 황은 서로 반응하며 경계면에 구리 황화물을 형성하지만, 이 층이 구리판에서 떨어져 배합고무에 붙어 버리므로 구리판은 배합고무와 접착되지 않았다. 아연판은 아연과 배합고무의 황이 반응하여 접착층을 형성하는 속도가 느려서 배합고무와 잘 접착되지 않았다. 황동판은 배합고무와 잘 접착되었으며, 이는 구리가 배합고무의 황과 반응하여 접착층을 형성하고 아연이 접착층의 과도한 성장을 억제하며 지지해주기 때문으로 설명되었다. 접착은 황동판에서는 열수처리후, 아연판에서는 염수처리 후 심하게 열화되었다. 접착열화를 접착층의 변형과 관련지어 고찰하였다.
The adhesion between metal plate(Cu, Zn, and Cu/Zn) and rubber compound, and the degradation processes were studied by using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Copper sulfide layer was formed at the interface through the reaction of copper plate and sulfur in rubber compound, but copper plate didn’t adhere to rubber compound because copper sulfide layer was separated from copper plate. Zinc plate did not show good adhesion to rubber compound, because the formation rate of zinc sulfide layer at the interface was too slow. Brass plate strongly adhered to rubber compound. Excellent adhesion can be interpreted in terms of fast formation of copper sulfide layer at the interface, but excessive growth of the layer is controlled by the presence of metallic zinc. The adhesion between brass plate and rubber compound was severely deteriorated after hot wate aging, and similar results were found for the adhesion of zinc plate after salt solution aging. The degradation of adhesion was also discussed in related to chemical composition and phenomenological deformation at the interface.
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