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다성분계 증류효율의 예측

Prediction of Distillation Efficiencies in Multicomponent System

HWAHAK KONGHAK, April 1991, 29(2), 149-158(10), NONE
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증류탑에서 acetone/methanol/water 3성분계의 농도분포를 Maxwell-Stefan식의 일반해와 linearized theory에 근거한 근사해, 그리고 number of overall gas phase mass transfer unit(NOG)가 분산높이에 따라 일정한 경우와 2성분계의 단효율이 일정하다고 가정한 경우에 대한 해로부터 예측하였다. 실험은 직경이 5cm이고 5개의 단으로 되어 있는 증류탑에서 액체유속이 2g-mole/min이고 전환류 조건하에서 수행하였다. 그 결과 2성분계의 단효율이 일정하다고 가정했을 때 얻은 예측치는 실험값과 가장 큰 오차를 나타냈으나 다른 3가지 방법으로 예측한 결과들은 실험값과 잘 일치하였다.
The concentration profiles of the ternary system(acetone/methanol/water)in a distillation col-umn were predicted by the following four different solutions : the general or approximately linearized solu-tions of Maxwell-Stefan equation, two solutions with the assumptions of the constant number of overall gas phase mass transfer unit(NOG) along the dispersion height or the constant binary Murphree efficiency. The experiments were performed in a 5cm I.D. distillation column with 5 plates under the conditions of the liquid flow rate of 2.0g-mole/min and total reflux. The calculated concentration profiles were compared with the experimental data. It showed that the concentration profiles with the constant binary Murphree efficiency were severely deviated from the experimental data, but the profiles of the other three methods were in good agreements.



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