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등온법에 의한 석탄 촤 연소반응 및 촤-수증기 가스화반응특성

Isothermal Coal Char Combustion and Char-Steam Gasification Reactivity

HWAHAK KONGHAK, June 1991, 29(3), 323-335(13), NONE
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동원 무연탄, 호주 Coalex(HD) 역청탄, 호주 Victoria 준역청탄 및 파키스탄 Lakla 갈탄을 열분해하여 얻은 촤의 연소반응 및 수증기 가스화반응속도론적 특성 실험을 등온 방식에 의하여 수행하였다. 기체 확산 영향이 제거된 입자 크기에서 촤-연소반응은 560-680℃의 동은 조건, 5-20% 사이의 산소 농도 변화 조건 및 열분해 조건 변화에 대하여 실험하였고, 촤-수증기 반응은 750-950℃의 등온 조건에서 반응속도가 구하여졌다. 촤-연소반응에너지는 113-165kJ/g-mol의 값을 나타내었다. 전체적인 반응상수를 고려한 촤 연소 및 촤 수증기 반응속도 상관관계식을 제시하였다.
Thermal analyses were conducted by isothermal technique in order to characterize the combus-tion and steam gasification reaction of coal chars that were carbonized from Dong-won anthracite, Australian Coalex(HD) bituminous coal, Australian Victoria subbituminous coal, and Pakistian Lakla lignite. Char combus-tion reactions were carried out with respect to various factors : char particle size(0.08-0.5mm), isothermal reaction temperature(560-680℃), oxygen concentration(5%-20%), and pyrolysis conditions. Char-steam gasifi-cation reactions were carried out at isothermal temperatures of 750-950℃. In combustion reaction, measured reaction orders of oxygen concentration and activation energy were 0.56-0.98 and 53-123kJ/g-mol, respectively. In char-steam gasification reaction, measured activation energy were in the range between 113kJ/g-mol and 165kJ/g-mol. The kinetic equation of char combustion and char-steam reaction was correlated with various factor.



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