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미세공 CA(cellulose acetate)막을 이용한 혼합기체

A Study on Mechanism of Mixed Gas Separation Using Microporous CA(cellulose acetate) Membrane

HWAHAK KONGHAK, August 1991, 29(4), 389-395(7), NONE
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막을 통한 혼합기체 분리현상을 해석하기 위하여 Viscous Leak Model과 Weller Steiner Model로부터 구한 투과 플럭스 이론치와 실험치를 비교하여 분리기구를 해석하였다. CA(SEPA-97)막을 사용하여 온도, 압력 변화에 따른 수소-일산화탄소(1:1) 혼합기체의 분리실험을 행하였고 Viscous Leak Model의 계산을 위해 BET방법으로 막의 기공 크기분포를 구하였다. Weller Steiner Model 보다 Viscous Leak Model에 의한 예측값이 그 경향이 비슷하고 절대치도 비교적 잘 일치하였다.
To analyse the phenomena of mixed gas separation via a membrane, experimental data and calculated data by the Viscous Leak Model and the Weller Steiner Model were compared. In the experimentals, separation data of H2-CO(1:1) gas through a CA membrane(SEPA-97) at different temperature and pressure were obtained. For the Viscous Leak Model calculation, a pore size distribution of the membrane by the BET method was used. The predictions by the Viscous Leak Model was significantly better than those by the Weller Steiner Model. Considering the uncertainty involved with the accurate measurement of pore size distribution on the skin of the membrane, the results by the Viscous Leak Model were rather good.



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