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Tetrabutylammonium Hydrogen Sulfate에서 O2기체에 의한 Diphenylmethane의 산화반응
Oxidation of Diphenylmethane by O2 Gas with Tetrabutylammonium Hydrogen Sulfate
HWAHAK KONGHAK, June 1995, 33(3), 318-327(10), NONE
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상이동촉매 tetrabutylammonium hydrogen sulfate의 벤젠 용액과 NaOH수용액의 불균일계에서 상이동촉매의 평형실험과 25℃, 대기압에서 준 회분식 교반조 흡수기를 사용하여 O2에 의한 diphenylmethane의 산화반응실험을 행하였다. 평형실험으로부터 QX와 QOH의 평형상수 K1과K2 및 QOH와 diphenylmethane의 평형상수 K3를 측정하였으며, 이들 값은 각각 2.01X10-6mol/l, 2.5X104L/mol, 3.0mol/l이었다. O2의 초기흡수속도로부터 얻어진 반응촉진계수값을 사용하여 산화반응의 반응속도정수 k, 1.01 l/mol s을 구하였다. 기-액-액 불균일계에서 상이동촉매에 의한 반응메카니즘을 경막설에 의한 화학반응이 수반한 물질전단기구로서 해석하였다.
The oxidation of diphenylmethane by oxygen was carried out in a liquid-liquid heterogeneous system with benzene solution of tetrabutylammonium hydrogen sulfate as a phase transfer catalyst and aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide as a base using a stirred absorber at 25℃ and an atmospheric pressure. The equilibrium constants, K1, K2, K3, between the intermediates of catalyst, base, and reactant were obtained from equilibrium experiment, and their values, 2.01×10-6mol/l 2.5×104 l/mol and 3.0 mol/l, respectively. The reaction rate constants of oxidation of diphenylmethane with oxygen was obtained from the experimental enhancement factor of initial rate of oxygen absorption, and its value 1.01 l/mol s. The reaction mechanism by the phase transfer catalyst at the interface of the gas-liquid-liquid heterogeneous system was analyzed by mass transfer mechanism with chemical reaction using the film theory.
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