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활성탄에 담지된 Co-Mo계 촉매에서 티오펜과 유화수소의 승온탈착

Temperature-Programmed Desorption of Thiophene and Hydrogensulfide over Carbon-supported Co-Mo Catalysts

HWAHAK KONGHAK, August 1995, 33(4), 428-436(9), NONE
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황화처리된 Mo/C, Co/C 및 Co-Mo/C 촉매에 대한 승온탈착실험을 수행하였으며 승온속도를 달리하면서 얻은 TPD 곡선들로부터, 각각의 촉매에 대한 티오펜과 유화수소의 흡착열을 구하였다. 이들 흡착열과 온도 325℃ 상압인 반응조건에서 미분반응기를 이용하여 측정한 티오펜의 수소화탈황반응(HDS) 활성과의 상관성을 조사하였다. Co-Mo 조성에 따른 탈황 활성의 변화를 티오펜과 유화수소의 흡착열 차이로써 설명하였다.
Temperature-programmed desorption(TPD) was carried out over the sulfided Mo/C, Co/C and Co-Mo/C catalysts, and heats of adsorption of thiophene and hydrogensulfide were obtained from TPD spectra by varying heating rate. It was studied the relationship between these heats of adsorption and the activity for hydrodesulfurization(HDS)of thiophene which was measured in a microflow reactor at atmospheric pres-sure and 325℃. The synergistic HDS activity was well explained by correlating it with the difference in heat of adsorption between thiophene and hydrogensulfide.



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