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소각 촉매의 재생에 관한 연구

a study on Regeneration of an Incineration Catalyst

HWAHAK KONGHAK, October 1995, 33(5), 590-597(8), NONE
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산업용 소각로 촉매의 재생에 있어서 재생에 의한 촉매 특성의 변화와 소각 반응에 대한 활성 회복 정도를 연구하였다. 소각 촉매는 cordierite 담체상에 백금이 분산 담지된 것으로서 촉매의 비활성화는 오염물질과 유황성분 불순물의 침적 때문이었다. 알칼리 용액에서 세척 후 산 용액에서 중화에 의한 ex-situ, 액상 분위기하에서의 재생 처리에 의해서 표면 침적물인 오염물질과 유황성분이 제거되었으나 담체 세공 구조의 변화가 관찰되었다. CO 산화 반응으로 측정된 재생 촉매의 활성은 재생 처리 조건에 의해서 영향을 받았으며 알칼리용액의 농도와 온도가 높을수록, 그리고 세척 시간이 길수록 재생 촉매의 활성이 높았다.
Regeneration of an industrial incineration catalyst was studied with respect to the changes in catalyst characteristics and the recovery of incineration activity. The incineration catalyst was characterized as platinum dispersed on cordierite support, and catalyst deactivation was due to the deposition of foulants as well as sulfur impurities. The ex-situ, liquid-environment regeneration procedures consisting of cleaning in alkaline solution followed by neutralization in acid solution resulted in not only removal of foulants and sulfur species from the deactivated catalyst, but alteration of pore structure of the catalyst support. The activity of regenerated catalyst, measured by means of CO oxidation reaction, depended on the regeneration conditions. The increases in concentration and temperature of alkaline cleaning solution as well as cleaning time brought about the increase in the incineration activity of regenerated catalyst.



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