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석탄회분의 융착형성 연구

A Study on the Deposit Formation of Coal Ash

HWAHAK KONGHAK, February 1996, 34(1), 8-16(9), NONE
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본 연구에서는 DTF를 이용하여 준역청탄인 Alaska탄의 회분과 deposit을 제조하고 조성을 분석하여 각각의 조성이 용융성에 미치는 영향을 고찰하였으며 ASTM 회분의 결과와 비교하였다. ASTM 회분은 alumina, silica, mullite, Ca-com-pound 등이 결정성으로 존재하는 반면 DTF회분은 표면에 K, Fe, Ca 등이 농축된 구형의 drop이 만들어지는 것을 알수 있었다. 또한 DTF 회분에는 mullite만이 결정성으로 존재하였다. Deposit은 용융후 고형화된 glass phase로 만들어졌는데 Fe는 Fe3+ silicate로 전이되고 deposit하부에 Si가 농축되는 것으로부터 석탄 내의 무기물 조성 중에 융용을 지배하는 것은 Si인 것을 알 수 있었다. Alaska탄은 ASTM 회분분석결과로부터는 용융성이 강하게 예측되었으나 DTF에서 형성된 deposit 분석결과 표면에 부착강도를 낮게 하는 Ca가 농축되어 열전달면에서의 제거는 용이한 것으로 판단되었다.
Ash and deposits were made using Alaska sub-bituminous coal in a drop tube furnace(DTF) and the effects of their compositions on fusion were compared with those of the ashes prepared from the ASTM ashing procedure. It has been found that the ASTM ash includes alumina, silica, mullite, and Ca compounds as crystalline phases, whereas the DTF ash includes spherical drops with K, Fe, and Ca condensed on the surface. In a DTF ash, only mullite existed as crystalline phase. The deposits existed as glass phases which were formed by solidification from melts, and Fe was transformed to Fe3+ silicate and Si was concentrated on the lower part of the deposit. This fact indicates that, among arious inorganic elements in coal, Si controls the fusion. Although it was initially predicted that Alaska coal ash have strong slagging propensity based on the results of ASTM ash characterization, the results of analysis of the DTF deposits shows that the deposits can be easily removed from the heat transfer area because it is enriched with Ca which reduces the strength of its adhesion to the solid surface.


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