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비기계적 입자순환장치(Loop Seal) 연구

Study of a Non-mechanical Solid Valve(Loop Seal)

HWAHAK KONGHAK, December 1999, 37(6), 925-929(5), NONE
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상온 riser와 loop seal로 구성된 순환유동층에서의 수력학적 실험을 통해 입자순환장치(loop seal)의 운전특성과 입자의 흐름 특성을 연구하였다. 0.2m×0.15m×0.2mr규격의 상온 loop seal 실험장치를 구성하고 석탄회의 재순환 실험을 수행하였다. 실험을 통해 유동화 공기주입량 및 주입점에 따른 입자 흐름 경향을 연구하고, 고체순환속도의 제한조건 및 시스템 압력과의 수학적 관계를 연구하였다. 입자유량은 loop seal 내부 재주입구의 유동화 공기유량의 증가에 따라 증가하였다. 입자유량의 증가에 따라 down comer 고정구간의 차압이 감소하였다.
The characteristics of loop seal operation and particle flow were investigated by hydrodynamics study in a cold mode riser and loop seal system. The physical dimensiton of 0.2m×0.15m×0.2m cold mode loop seal and riser is serially connected to compose a experimental system. A coal ash was used for the experiment. The flow pattern of particle was investigated by variation of quanity of fluidizing air and location of aeration. The mathematical relationship of the limitation of particle flow rate and system pressure was analyzed. The particle flow rate increased by the increase of air flow of return leg. The pressure difference of down comer section was reduced as the increase of the particle flow rate.


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