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알루미늄 회전원판전극의 전기화학반응 특성

The Electrochemical Reaction Characteristics of Aluminum Rotating Disk Electrode

고려대학교 공과대학 화학공학과, 서울 136-701 1순천대학교 공과대학 화학공학과, 순천 540-742 2부경대학교 공과대학, 부산 608-707 3부경대학교 환경공학과, 부산 608-707
Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Korea University, Seoul 136-701, Korea 1Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Sunchon University, Sunchon 540-742, Korea 2Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Pukyong University, Pusan 608-707, Korea 3Dept. of Environmental Engineering, Pukyong University, Pusan 608-707, Korea
HWAHAK KONGHAK, April 2000, 38(2), 129-134(6), NONE
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알루미늄-공기 연료전지용 음극으로 사용되는 알루미늄에 대한 전기화학반응 특성을 규명하기 위하여 알루미늄 회전원판전극을 이용한 반쪽전지를 구성하고, 전해질 농도 및 온도에 따른 정상상태 분극실험을 수행하였다. 한계전류밀도 자료와 Levich 식으로부터 확산계수(~10-6㎠/s)를 계산하였고, 알루미늄 전극반응에 대한 교환전류밀도 및 전기화학 전달계수등을 구하였다.
The electrochemical kinetic parameters of aluminum, that were used for the anode material of Al-air fuel cell, and related mass transfer properties were investigated. The steady-state polarization experiments with respect to concentration of KOH electrolyte and temperature were performed using aluminum-half cell with rotating disk electrode(RDE). The diffusion of coefficients(~10-6㎠/s) were determined by the limiting current density data according to the Levich equation. The electrochemical kinetic parameters, exchange current density and transfer coefficient for the anodic reaction of aluminum were estimated.


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