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초임계 펜탄 영역에서 Poly(ethylene-co-20.2 mol% butene)과의 상거동 및 혼합물 밀도 측정

Measurement of Phase Behavior and Mixture Density of Poly(ethylene-co-20.2mol% butene) in Supercritical n-Pentane Region

여수대학교 생명공/화학공학부응용열역학 및 분리공정시스템 실험실, 전남 550-749
Lab. of Applied Thermodynamics and Separation Process System, Division of Biotechnologyand Chemical Engineering, Yosu National University, Yosu, Chonnam 550-749, Korea
HWAHAK KONGHAK, October 2000, 38(5), 639-644(6), NONE
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초임계 용매인 펜탄(n-pentane-h12과 n-pentane-d12을 포함한 poly(ethylene-co-20.2 mol% butene) 공중합체와의 상거동과 혼합물 밀도 측정을 하였다. 실험장치는 linear variable differential transducer(LVDT)을 갖춘 고압 가변 부피셀을 이용한 정지형이다. 순성분 노말-펜탄-h12과 노말-펜탄-d12(n-pentane-d12에 대해 온도 30-150 ℃와 압력 71-2,415 bar 사이에서 밀도자료를 얻었으며, 노말-펜탄-h12의 밀도는 0.503-0.750 g/cc 범위이고 노말-펜탄-d12는 0.588-0.896 g/cc 범위였다. 또한 5.3 wt% poly(ethylene-co-20.2 mol% butene) 노말-펜탄-h12계는 110, 130 및 150 ℃에서 압력 10-80 bar 사이에서 단일액상과 액액공존영역 사이의 상경계를 얻었으며, 온도가 감소함에 따라 단일액상[L]과 액-액 공존영역[LL] 사이의 상전이 평형압력이 감소하였다. 혼합물 밀도는 동일 온도에서 압력 45-2,415 bar 사이에서 얻었다. 5.1 wt% poly(ethylene-co-20.2 mol% butene)와 노말-펜탄-d12 혼합물은 110, 130 및 150 ℃에서 단일액상과 액-액 공존영역 사이의 상전이 평형압력이 105 bar 이하에서 용해되었으며, 혼합물 밀도는 동일온도에서 약 2,415 bar까지 실험하여 자료를 얻었다. 두 계의 혼합물 밀도는 비교적 완만한 곡선을 나타내었으며, 온도가 증가함에 따라 감소함을 알 수 있었다.
The phase behavior and mixture densities were obtained for binary mixtures of poly(ethylene-co-20.2mole% butene) copolymer with supercritical n-pentane(n-pentane-h12 and n-pentane-d12). The static type experimental apparatus with a high pressure variable volume cell & linear variable differential transducer(LVDT) was used. The density data were obtained for pure n-pentane-h12 and n-pentane-d12 at the temperature range from 30 to 150 ℃ and the pressure range from 71 to 2415 bar. The pure densities were at the range from 0.530 to 0.750 g/cc and at the range from 0.588 to 0.896 g/cc for n-pentane-h12 and n-pentane-d12, respectively. And also, the phase boundary between single phase/liquid-liquid coexistence region were obtained for 5.3 wt% poly(ethlyene-co-20.2 mol% butene)-n-pentane-h12 system in the pressure range from 10 to 80 bar at 110, 130 and 150 ℃ so thus the equilibrium pressure of phase transition between single phase[L]/liquid-liquid[LL] coexistence region decreased as the temperature decreased. Also, the mixture densities were obtained in the pressure range from 45 to 2415 bar at the same temperatures. The phase transition data between single phase/liquid-liquid coexistence region were obtained for 5.1 wt% poly(ehylene-co-20.2 mol% butene)-n-pentane-d12 mixture in the pressure of below 105 bar at the temperature of 110,130 and 150 ℃. Also the mixture densities were obtained in the pressure up to 2415 bar at the same temperatures. The mixture densities of two systems showed sluggish curve and decreased as the temperature increased.


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