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산 처리된 키틴에 의한 음이온성 염료 제거

Removal of Anionic Dyes by Acid-Treated Chitin

경상대학교 응용화학공학부 및 공학연구원, 전주 660-701
Division of Applied Chemical Engineering and ERI, Chinju 660-701, Korea
HWAHAK KONGHAK, October 2002, 40(5), 635-639(5), NONE
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산 처리된 키틴에 의한 염료 제거율을 조사하고, 그 결과를 키토산의 염료 제거율과 비교하였다. 사용된 염료는 음이온성인 Acid Blue 25, Direct Red 81과 Mordant Yellow 10 이었다. 초기 염료용액의 pH가 6에서는 산 처리된 키틴이 처리되지 않은 키틴이나 키토산보다 염료 제거율이 월등히 높았다. 염료 제거율은 산 처리된 키틴에 포함된 수분함량에 따라 달랐는데 수분함량이 많을수록 염료 제거율이 높게 나타났다. 또한 염료 제거율은 염료용액의 pH에 따라 민감하게 변하였는데 pH가 낮을수록 염료 제거율이 높았다. pH=6에서는 산 처리된 키틴의 염료 제거율이 처리되지 않은 키틴과 키토산보다 상당히 높았고, pH=3에서는 키토산의 염료 제거율이 가장 높았다.
Dye removal by acid-treated chitin was investigated and compared with results from chitosan. Dyes used were Acid Blue 25, Direct Red 81 and Mordant Yellow 10 which were all anionic dyes. When the pH of initial dye solution was 6, the dye removal of the acid treated chitin was superior to those of untreated chitin and chitosan. Dye removal was varied with the moisture content of the acid treated chitin and increased as the moisture content was increased. Also, dye removal was varied very sensitively with the pH of dye solution and increased as pH was decreased. When the pH of initial dye solution was 6, the dye removals of acid-treated chitins were significantly higher than those of untreated chitin and chitosan. But, at pH 3, the dye removal of chitosan was the highest among them.


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