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회분교반반응기에서 수평의 기-액계면을 통한 H2S의 Fe2(SO4)3수용액에 대한 흡수

Absorption of Hydrogen Sulfide into Aqueous Ferric Sulfate Solutions through a Flat Gas-Liquid Interface in an Agitated Vessel

동의대학교 환경화학공학부, 614-714 부산시 부신진구 엄광로 995
Major of Environmental & Chemical Engineering, University of Dongeui, 995, Eomgwang-no, Busanjin-gu, Busan 614-714, Korea
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, April 2004, 42(2), 163-167(5), NONE Epub 14 May 2004


H2S의 Fe2(SO4)3수용액에 대한 흡수를 기-액 접촉계면이 수평으로 유지되는 회분교반반응기에서 등온으로 행하였다. 0.01 M Fe2(SO4)3흡수계에서 흡수과정의 물리적 성질로만 표현되는 무차원식의 Sh수는 Re0.39에 그리고 Se-0.15에 비례하는 관계를 나타내었다. 실험에서 관찰된 액상물질전달계수는 Fe2(SO4)3의 농도와 온도 그리고 교반속도의 크기에 따라서 다소 증가하는 값을 가졌다. 또 실험에서 관찰된 액상물질전달계수의 무차원의 경험식에서 예측된 액상물질전달계수에 대한 비는 1보다 크고 그리고 흡수계의 교반속도에 따라서 증가하는 값을 가졌다. H2S의 Fe2(SO4)3수용액에 대한 흡수속도는 흡수계의 온도가 낮을 때 더 큰 속도 값을 나타내었다.
Absorption of H2S into aqueous Fe2(SO4)3 solutions was carried out through a flat gas-liquid interface in an agitated vessel under atmosphere. The liquid phase mass transfer coefficients and the absorption rates were measured by experiments. The predicted liquid phase mass transfer coefficients with a dimensionless empirical equation involving Sherwood, Reynolds and Schmidt numbers were also correlated. The Sherwood number was varied according to the Re0.39 and the Sc-0.15 in 0.01 M Fe2(SO4)3 aqueous solution system. The observed liquid phase mass transfer coefficients were increased as the concentration of Fe2(SO4)3, the liquid phase stirring speed and the experimental temperature increased. The ratio of the observed liquid phase mass transfer coefficient to the predicted liquid phase mass transfer coefficient was always larger than 1 and it was incr eased when the liquid phase stirring speed increased. The absorption rate was increased when the experimental temperature decreased.


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