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Received January 21, 2008
Accepted April 3, 2008
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회분식반응기에서의 혼합 플라스틱의 저온열분해 kinetics

Kinetics of the Low-temperature Pyrolysis of Mixed Plastics in the Batch Reactor

군산대학교 토목환경공학부, 573-701 전북 군산시 미룡동 산 68 1한서대학교 화학공학과, 356-706 충남 서산시 해미면 대곡리 360 2한경대학교 화학공학과 화학기술연구소, 456-749 경기도 안성시 석정동 67
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Kunsan National University, San 68, Miryong-dong, Kunsan, Jeonbuk 573-701, Korea 1Department of Chemical Engineering, Hanseo University, 360, Daegok-ri, Haemi-myon, Seosan, Chungnam 356-706, Korea 2Department of Chemical Engineering (RCCT), Hankyong University, 67, Seokjung-dong, Anseong, Kyonggi 456-749, Korea
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, June 2008, 46(3), 540-544(5), NONE Epub 7 July 2008
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혼합플라스틱에 대한 열분해특성실험을 스테인레스 스틸의 회분식 미분반응기에서 수행하였으며, 혼합플라스틱의 혼합비율은 22 wt.% HDPE, 17 wt.% LDPE, 27 wt.% PP, 12 wt.% PS, 16 wt.% ABS, 6 wt.% PVC이었다. 열분해온도는 410~450 oC 이었으며 각 열분해생성물의 수율은 무게측정을 통해 얻었으며, 액상생성물의 분자량분포는 GCSIMDIS 방법을 통해 측정하였다. 혼합플라스틱 열분해의 경우 반응온도와 시간이 증가할수록 고상잔류물의 수율증가와 액상생성물의 수율감소 그리고 액상생성물의 평균 분자량 감소가 두드러졌다. 혼합플라스틱에 포함된 PVC의 약 20%가 염소가스형태로 배출됨을 알 수 있었다. 혼합플라스틱 열분해에서 말단절단의 속도계수인 활성에너지 값은 50.2 kcal/mole 이었다.
Pyrolytic characteristics of mixed plastics containing 22 wt.% HDPE, 17 wt.% LDPE, 27 wt.% PP, 12 wt.% PS, 16 wt.% ABS, 6 wt.% PVC have been studied in the batch-type microreactor of stainless steel. Thermal degradation experiments were performed at temperature of 410~450 oC. The yield of each pyrolytic products were obtained by the weight measurement and molecular weight distribution of pyrolytic liquid products determined by the GC-SIMDIS method. It was shown that the yield and molecular weight of pyrolytic liquid product were decreased with the increase of reaction temperature and time. It was know that 20wt% of PVC composing of the mixed plastics was converted to the gas products of chloride during the pyrolysis process. The chain-end scission rate parameter was determined to be 50.2kcal/mole of mixed plastics by the Arrhenius plot.


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