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국제핵융합실험로 삼중수소 연료주기
Tritium Fuel Cycle of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor
한수원(주) 중앙연구원, 305-343 대전시 유성구 유성대로 1312번길 70 1한국원자력연구원, 305-353 대전시 유성구 대덕대로 989번길 111 2국가핵융합연구소, 305-333 대전시 유성구 과학로 169번길 148
Central Research Institute, Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. Ltd., 70-1312-gil Yusong-daero, Yusong-gu, Daejon 305-343, Korea 1Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, 111-989-gil Daeduk-daero, Yusong-gu, Daejon 305-353, Korea 2National Fusion Research Institute, 148-169-gil Kwahak-ro, Yusong-gu, Daejon 305-333, Korea
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, August 2012, 50(4), 595-603(9), NONE Epub 25 July 2012
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국제핵융합실험로(ITER)가 2019년까지 7개국의 공동개발사업으로 건설될 예정이다. ITER의 핵융합연료주기는 핵 융합진공용기, 삼중수소 플랜트, 연료공급부로 구성되어 있다. 이중에서 삼중수소 플랜트는 핵융합연료주기를 위한 중수소와 삼중수소의 저장, 공급, 분리, 제거, 회수 등의 기능을 제공한다. 삼중수소 플랜트는 외부에서 중수소와 삼중수소를 공급받아 저장·공급하는 SDS, 토카막배출처리의 TEP, 수소동위원소 분리의 ISS, 삼중수소수 및 대기 처리의 WDS·ADS, 정성·정량분석의 ANS 등으로 구성된다. 이 논문에서는 삼중수소 플랜트를 구성하는 주요 공정에 대한 기능 및 설계요건을 기술하였다. 한국은 SDS 개발에 참여하고 있으며 월성원전 삼중수소 제거설비(WTRF) 건설 및 운전경험을 통해 WDS 대한 기술을 일부 확보하였다. 향후 ISS 및 TEP에 대한 기술확보를 위한 여러 분야에서의 참여 확대를 기대하고 있다.
International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) will be constructed in 2019 according to the JIA (Joint Implementation Agreement) of 7 countries. The ITER fusion fuel cycle consists of fusion vacuum vessel, tritium plant and fuelling system. The tritium plant provides the functions of storage, delivery, separation, removal and recovery of the deuterium and tritium used as fusion fuels for the ITER. The tritium plant systems supply deuterium and tritium from external sources and treat all tritiated fluids from ITER operation through Storage and Delivery System (SDS), Tokamak Exhaust Processing (TEP), Isotope Separation System (ISS), Water Detritiation System & Atmosphere Detritiation System (WDS & ADS) and Analysis System (ANS). In this paper, the functions and design requirements of the major systems in the tritium plant and the status of R&D are described. Korean party is developing the SDS for ITER tritium plant and partially attaining the WDS technology through the construction and operation experience of the Wolsong Tritium Removal Facility (WTRF). Now it is expected that researchers in other fields such as chemical engineering take part in the development of upcoming technologies for ISS and TEP.
ITER Joint Implementation Agreement (2006), Announcement (2012-2) of ITER Korea Domestic Agency in NFRI.
ITER IDM Document (ITER_D_2X6K67), Plant Description (PD), Chap. 10 Fuel Cycle and Radiological Monitoring (2009)
Babineau D, Maruyama S, Pearce R, Glugla M, Bo L, Rogers B, Willms S, Piazza G, Yamanishi T, Yun SH, Worth L Shu W, “Review of the ITER Fuel Cycle,” IAEA FEA 2010 (2010)
Glugla M, Babineau D, Bo D, Maruyama S, Pearce R, Piazza G, Rogers B, Willms S, Yamanishi T, Yun SH, “Review of the ITER D-T Fuel Cycle Systems and Recent Progress,” 9th International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology, Tritium 2010, Nara, Japan, Oct. 24-29 (2010)
Maruyama S, Yang Y, Pitts RA, Sugihara M, Putvinski S, Carpentier- Chouchana S, Li B, Li W, Baylor L, Meitner SJ, Day C, Labombard B. Reinke M, “ITER Fuelling System Design and ChallengesGas and Pellet Injection and Disruption Mitigation,” IAEA FEC 2010 (2010)
Konishi S, Glugla M, Hayashi T, Fus. Eng. Des., 83, 954 (2008)
Glugla M, Antipenkov A, Beloglazov S, Caldwell-Nichols C, Cristescu IR, Cristescu I, Day C, Doerr L, Girard JP, Tada E, Fus. Eng. Des., 82, 472 (2007)
Yoshida H, Kveton O, Koonce J, Holland D, Haange R, Fus. Eng. Des., 39-40, 875 (1998)
Ahn DH, Paek SW, Kim KR, Jeong HS, Choi HJ, Kim JK, Kang HS, Lee HS, Kim WS, Song KM, “Design of the Liquid Phase Catalytic Exchange Column for the Wolsong Tritium Removal Facility,” Proceedings of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting, May 27-28 (2001)
Song KM, Lee SJ, Lee SK, Sohn SH, Eum HM, Kim CS, Fus. Sci. Techn., 48, 290 (2005)
Song KM, Sohn SH, Kang DW, Paek SW, Ahn DH, Fus. Eng. Des., 82, 2264 (2007)
Lee M, Paek S, Kim KR, Ahn DH, Yim SP, Chung H, Choi HJ, Choi JW, Shon SH, Song KM, J. Korean Rad. Waste Soc., 5(2), 155 (2007)
Paek S, Lee M, Kim KR, Ahn DH, Song KM, Sohn SH, IEEE Trans. on Plasma Sci., 38(3), 278 (2010)
Choi WS, Kim KY, Seo KS, Lee MS, Paek S, Sohn SH, Song KM, “Analysis of Structural Integrity of Tritium Transport Package through the Drop Test,” Korea Radioactive Waste Society, Nov. 6-7 (2008)
Sohn SH, Song KM, Lee SK, Lee KW, Ko BW,“Tritium Assay and Despensing in TriMARS,” 9th International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology, Tritium 2010, Nara, Japan, Oct. 24-29 (2010)
Sohn SH, Song KM, Lee SK, Lee KW, Ko BW, “Tritium Assay and Dispensing of KEPRI Tritium Lab.,” KNS Spring, May 18-23 (2009)
Song KM, Lee KW, Ko BW, Sohn SH, “Performance Test of the Tritium Calorimeter,” Korea Radioactive Waste Society, June 17-19 (2009)
Song KM, Lee KW, Ko BW, Sohn SH, Chung YG, “A Twin Cell Calorimeter for the Tritium Accountancy,” Korea Radioactive Waste Society, Nov. 6-7 (2008)
Chung HS, Shim MH, Ahn DH, Lee MS, Hong CS, Yoshida H, Song KM, Kim DJ, Jung KJ, Cho SY, Fus. Sci. Techn., 54(1), 18 (2008)
Chung H, Shim MH, Jin HS, Lee JK, Ahn DH, Yoshida H, Kim KG, Song KM, Kim DJ, Chang MH, Kang HG, Yun SH, Cho SY, Fus. Eng. Des., 84, 599 (2009)
Cho S, Chang MH, Yun SH, Kang HG, Chung H, Shim MH, Song KM, Jin HS, Koo D, Sohn SH, Glugla M, Jung KJ, IEEE Trans. on Plasma Sci., 38(3), 425 (2010)
Lee ES, Cho SY, Ahn MY, Kim DH, Chang MH, Chung HS, Shim MH, Song KM, Sohn SH, Kim DJ, Yoshida H, Fus. Eng. Des., 83(10-12), 1424 (2008)
Kang HG, Lee ES, Cho SY, Chang MH, Yun SH, Ahn MY, Jung KJ, Chung H, Shim MH, Song KM, Yoshida H, Fus. Eng.Des., 84, 989 (2009)
Song KM, Sohn SH, Kim KS, Proceedings of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting., Oct.24-25, 343-348 (1997)
Paek SW, Ahn DH, Choi HJ, Kim KR, Lee MS, Yim SP, Chung HS, Song KM, Sohn SH, Fus. Eng. Des., 82, 2252 (2007)
Hubinois JC, Godot A, de Boyer S, Coindet G, Collardey A, “Large Volume Calorimetry: A Technique to Quantify Tritium,” 8th International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology, Tritium 2007, P3-22, Rochester, NY, Sep. 16-21 (2007)
West DS, Frame KJ, Thompson J, Ticknor LO, Fus. Sci. Tech., 54(1), 178 (2008)
Song KM, Ko BW, Lee KW, Sohn SH, IEEE Trans. on Plasma Sci., 38(3), 295 (2010)
Song KM, Kim KS, Sohn SH, Kang DW, Cho SY, Chung HS, “Availability Study and Design of the Tritium Calorimeter for ITER,” Korea Radioactive Waste Society, Nov. 16-17 (2006)
Song KM, Lee KW, Sohn SH, Lee DH, Ihm H, Sohn CH, “Development of the Tritium Monitoring System,” Korea Association for Radiation Protection, Apr. 23-24 (2009)
Song KM, Ko BW, Lee KW, Lee SK, Sohn SH, Lee DH, Ihm H, Lee SY, “Tritium Monitoring System for the Tritium Laboratory Management,” Korea Association for Radiation Protection, Nov. 18-20 (2009)
Song KM, Ko BW, Sohn SH, Chang MH, Yun SH, Kang HG, Cho S, Jung KJ, Chung H, “Tritium Accountancy of Storage and Delivery System in ITER,” Korea Radioactive Waste Society, Dec. 13-14 (2011)
Song KM, “Overview of ITER Tritium Fuel Cycle,” Information Exchange Workshop for Fusion and Fission, KNS Autumn, Dec. 26-28 (2011), Announcement (2012-2) of ITER Korea Domestic Agency in NFRI.
ITER IDM Document (ITER_D_2X6K67), Plant Description (PD), Chap. 10 Fuel Cycle and Radiological Monitoring (2009)
Babineau D, Maruyama S, Pearce R, Glugla M, Bo L, Rogers B, Willms S, Piazza G, Yamanishi T, Yun SH, Worth L Shu W, “Review of the ITER Fuel Cycle,” IAEA FEA 2010 (2010)
Glugla M, Babineau D, Bo D, Maruyama S, Pearce R, Piazza G, Rogers B, Willms S, Yamanishi T, Yun SH, “Review of the ITER D-T Fuel Cycle Systems and Recent Progress,” 9th International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology, Tritium 2010, Nara, Japan, Oct. 24-29 (2010)
Maruyama S, Yang Y, Pitts RA, Sugihara M, Putvinski S, Carpentier- Chouchana S, Li B, Li W, Baylor L, Meitner SJ, Day C, Labombard B. Reinke M, “ITER Fuelling System Design and ChallengesGas and Pellet Injection and Disruption Mitigation,” IAEA FEC 2010 (2010)
Konishi S, Glugla M, Hayashi T, Fus. Eng. Des., 83, 954 (2008)
Glugla M, Antipenkov A, Beloglazov S, Caldwell-Nichols C, Cristescu IR, Cristescu I, Day C, Doerr L, Girard JP, Tada E, Fus. Eng. Des., 82, 472 (2007)
Yoshida H, Kveton O, Koonce J, Holland D, Haange R, Fus. Eng. Des., 39-40, 875 (1998)
Ahn DH, Paek SW, Kim KR, Jeong HS, Choi HJ, Kim JK, Kang HS, Lee HS, Kim WS, Song KM, “Design of the Liquid Phase Catalytic Exchange Column for the Wolsong Tritium Removal Facility,” Proceedings of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting, May 27-28 (2001)
Song KM, Lee SJ, Lee SK, Sohn SH, Eum HM, Kim CS, Fus. Sci. Techn., 48, 290 (2005)
Song KM, Sohn SH, Kang DW, Paek SW, Ahn DH, Fus. Eng. Des., 82, 2264 (2007)
Lee M, Paek S, Kim KR, Ahn DH, Yim SP, Chung H, Choi HJ, Choi JW, Shon SH, Song KM, J. Korean Rad. Waste Soc., 5(2), 155 (2007)
Paek S, Lee M, Kim KR, Ahn DH, Song KM, Sohn SH, IEEE Trans. on Plasma Sci., 38(3), 278 (2010)
Choi WS, Kim KY, Seo KS, Lee MS, Paek S, Sohn SH, Song KM, “Analysis of Structural Integrity of Tritium Transport Package through the Drop Test,” Korea Radioactive Waste Society, Nov. 6-7 (2008)
Sohn SH, Song KM, Lee SK, Lee KW, Ko BW,“Tritium Assay and Despensing in TriMARS,” 9th International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology, Tritium 2010, Nara, Japan, Oct. 24-29 (2010)
Sohn SH, Song KM, Lee SK, Lee KW, Ko BW, “Tritium Assay and Dispensing of KEPRI Tritium Lab.,” KNS Spring, May 18-23 (2009)
Song KM, Lee KW, Ko BW, Sohn SH, “Performance Test of the Tritium Calorimeter,” Korea Radioactive Waste Society, June 17-19 (2009)
Song KM, Lee KW, Ko BW, Sohn SH, Chung YG, “A Twin Cell Calorimeter for the Tritium Accountancy,” Korea Radioactive Waste Society, Nov. 6-7 (2008)
Chung HS, Shim MH, Ahn DH, Lee MS, Hong CS, Yoshida H, Song KM, Kim DJ, Jung KJ, Cho SY, Fus. Sci. Techn., 54(1), 18 (2008)
Chung H, Shim MH, Jin HS, Lee JK, Ahn DH, Yoshida H, Kim KG, Song KM, Kim DJ, Chang MH, Kang HG, Yun SH, Cho SY, Fus. Eng. Des., 84, 599 (2009)
Cho S, Chang MH, Yun SH, Kang HG, Chung H, Shim MH, Song KM, Jin HS, Koo D, Sohn SH, Glugla M, Jung KJ, IEEE Trans. on Plasma Sci., 38(3), 425 (2010)
Lee ES, Cho SY, Ahn MY, Kim DH, Chang MH, Chung HS, Shim MH, Song KM, Sohn SH, Kim DJ, Yoshida H, Fus. Eng. Des., 83(10-12), 1424 (2008)
Kang HG, Lee ES, Cho SY, Chang MH, Yun SH, Ahn MY, Jung KJ, Chung H, Shim MH, Song KM, Yoshida H, Fus. Eng.Des., 84, 989 (2009)
Song KM, Sohn SH, Kim KS, Proceedings of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting., Oct.24-25, 343-348 (1997)
Paek SW, Ahn DH, Choi HJ, Kim KR, Lee MS, Yim SP, Chung HS, Song KM, Sohn SH, Fus. Eng. Des., 82, 2252 (2007)
Hubinois JC, Godot A, de Boyer S, Coindet G, Collardey A, “Large Volume Calorimetry: A Technique to Quantify Tritium,” 8th International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology, Tritium 2007, P3-22, Rochester, NY, Sep. 16-21 (2007)
West DS, Frame KJ, Thompson J, Ticknor LO, Fus. Sci. Tech., 54(1), 178 (2008)
Song KM, Ko BW, Lee KW, Sohn SH, IEEE Trans. on Plasma Sci., 38(3), 295 (2010)
Song KM, Kim KS, Sohn SH, Kang DW, Cho SY, Chung HS, “Availability Study and Design of the Tritium Calorimeter for ITER,” Korea Radioactive Waste Society, Nov. 16-17 (2006)
Song KM, Lee KW, Sohn SH, Lee DH, Ihm H, Sohn CH, “Development of the Tritium Monitoring System,” Korea Association for Radiation Protection, Apr. 23-24 (2009)
Song KM, Ko BW, Lee KW, Lee SK, Sohn SH, Lee DH, Ihm H, Lee SY, “Tritium Monitoring System for the Tritium Laboratory Management,” Korea Association for Radiation Protection, Nov. 18-20 (2009)
Song KM, Ko BW, Sohn SH, Chang MH, Yun SH, Kang HG, Cho S, Jung KJ, Chung H, “Tritium Accountancy of Storage and Delivery System in ITER,” Korea Radioactive Waste Society, Dec. 13-14 (2011)
Song KM, “Overview of ITER Tritium Fuel Cycle,” Information Exchange Workshop for Fusion and Fission, KNS Autumn, Dec. 26-28 (2011)