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Received February 4, 2013
Accepted February 26, 2013
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섬유소계 바이오매스의 분별을 위한 다양한 알칼리 전처리 특성
The Characteristics of Alkaline Pretreatment Methods of Cellulosic Biomass
경기대학교 화학공학과, 443-760 경기도 수원시 영통구 이의동 산94-6
Department of Chemical Engineering, Kyonggi University, San 94-6 Iui-dong, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi 443-760, Korea
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, June 2013, 51(3), 303-307(5), 10.9713/kcer.2013.51.3.303 Epub 3 June 2013
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이 연구는 목질계 바이오매스에 대한 알칼리 용액의 침지와 침출 전처리의 효능을 비교한다. 볏짚과 보리짚과 같은 다양한 바이오매스는 수산화나트륨 용액, 수산화칼륨 용액, 암모니아수 그리고 탄산나트륨 용액에 의해 침지 공정으로 수행되었다. 암모니아수에 의해 전처리된 볏짚과 보리짚의 효소 소화율은 80% 이상으로 나타났다. 전처리된 유칼립투스 부산물, 낙엽송 그리고 리기다 소나무의 효소 소화율은 상대적으로 낮은 범위로 나왔다. 하지만 전처리된 유칼립투스 부산물은 초기 바이오매스에 비해 효소 소화율이 약 5배 증가되었다. 또한 침출 공정으로 전처리된 유칼립투스 부산물의 효소 소화율은 약 12배가 증가되는 것을 확인하였다.
This study compares the efficacy of soaking and percolation pretreatments with alkaline solutions for lignocellulosic biomass. Various biomass such as rice straw and barley were pretreated by soaking processes in various alkaline solutions including sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, aqueous ammonia and sodium carbonate. The enzymatic digestibility of rice straw and barley that had been pretreated by soaking in aqueous ammonia was over 80%. Eucalyptus residue, Larix leptolepis and Pinus rigida exhibited relatively low enzymatic digestibility. Nevertheless, the enzymatic digestibility of pretreated eucalyptus residue was increased by five times compared to that of the initial biomass. And, the enzymatic digestibility of the percolation pretreated eucalyptus residue was increased 12 times.
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Beak SC, Kwon YJ, Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering., 12, 404 (2007)
Sawada T, Nakamura Y, J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol., 76(2), 139 (2001)
Bak JS, Ko JK, Han YH, Lee BC, Choi IG, Kim KH, Bioresour. Technol., 100(3), 1285 (2009)
Gonzalez R, Treasure T, Phillips R, Jameel H, Saloni D, Abt R, Wright J, Biomass Bioenerg., 35(2), 767 (2011)
Yu Q, Zhuang XS, Yuan ZH, Wang Q, Qi W, Wang W, Zhang Y, Xu JL, Xu HJ, Bioresour. Technol., 101(13), 4895 (2010)
Emmel A, Mathias AL, Wypych F, Ramos LP, Bioresour. Technol., 86(2), 105 (2003)
Kim TH, Taylor F, Hicks KB, Bioresour. Technol., 99(13), 5694 (2008)
Kim KH, Tucker MP, Nguyen QA, Biotechnol. Prog., 18(3), 489 (2002)
Merino S, Cherry J, Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology., 108, 95 (2007)
Teymouri F, Laureano-Perez L, Alizadeh H, Dale BE, Bioresour. Technol., 96(18), 2014 (2005)
Kim TH, Lee YY, Biochem. Biotechnol., 121-124, 1119 (2005)
Kim TH, Lee YY, Sunwoo C, Kim JS, Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol., 133(1), 41 (2006)
Kothari U, Lee YY, “Pretreatment of Herbaceous Plants by Sodium Carbonate,” The 32nd Symposium on biotechnology for fuels and chemicals (2010)
Park YC, Kim JW, Kim JS, Korean Chem. Eng. Res., 49(3), 292 (2011)
Park YC, Kim JS, Korean Chem. Eng. Res., 49(4), 470 (2011)
Kim KS, Kim JS, Korean Chem. Eng. Res., 48(6), 704 (2010)
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Standard Biomass Analytical Procedures.
Hiroyuki I, Shinichi Y, Takashi E, Tsuyoshi S, Shigeki S, Biotechnology for biofuels., 1: doi:10.1186/1754-6834-1-2