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Received July 26, 2013
Accepted October 18, 2013
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낙엽송(Larix kaempferi) 고밀도 에너지화를 위한 반탄화 최적조건 탐색
Optimal Condition of Torrefaction for the High-density Solid Fuel of Larch (Larix kaempferi)
전남대학교 농업생명과학대학 산림자원학부, 500-757 광주광역시 북구 용봉로 77 1국립산림과학원 임산공학부 화학미생물과, 130-712 서울시 동대문구 회기로 57
Department of Forest Products and Technology, College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Chonnam National University, 77 Yongbong-ro, Buk-gu, Gwangju 500-757, Korea 1Division of Wood Chemistry & Microbiology, Department of Forest Products, Korea Forest Research Institute, 57 Hoegi-ro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul 130-712, Korea
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, December 2013, 51(6), 739-744(6), 10.9713/kcer.2013.51.6.739 Epub 2 December 2013
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본 연구에서는 낙엽송의 연료특성 향상을 위해 반탄화를 수행하였으며 반응표면분석에 의해 반탄화 최적조건을 탐색하였다. 반탄화는 반응온도(220~280 ℃)와 반응시간(20~80분)에 따라 수행하였다. 반탄화 온도가 증가할수록 처리된바이오매스의 탄소함량은 49.36%에서 56.65%로 증가한 반면, 수소와 산소의 함량은 각각 5.56%에서 5.48%, 37.62%에서 31.67%로 감소하였다. 반탄화 처리 후 바이오매스의 중량감소율 및 발열량은 반탄화 정도(SF)에 따라 증가하였다. 가장 높은 반탄화 정도(SF 7)에서 26.58%의 중량감소율을 나타났으며, 발열량은 22.30 MJ/kg으로 처리 전 바이오매스와 비교하여 20.41% 증가하였다. 에너지수율은 반탄화 정도(SF)가 높아질수록 감소하는 경향을 나타냈으며, 높은 발열량 증가와 낮은 중량감소율에서 가장 높은 에너지수율을 나타냈다(SF 5.72).
In this study, torrefaction was performed to improve fuel properties of Larch. The optimal condition for torrefaction was investigated by response surface methodology. The torrefaction temperature and time ranged 220~280 ℃ and 20~80 min, respectively. As the torrefaction temperature and time increased, the carbon content of torrefied biomass increased from 49.36 to 56.65%, while its hydrogen and oxygen contents decreased from 5.56 to 5.48% and from 37.62 to 31.67%, respectively. The weight loss and calorific value increased with SF, while energy yield_x000D_
decreased. At the severe torrefaction condition (SF 7), the weight loss and calorific value were 26.58% and 22.30 MJ/kg, respectively. The energy contained in torrefied biomass increased to 20.41%, when compared with the untreated biomass. As the torrefaction severity increased, the energy yield decreased due to the relatively high weight loss of biomass. Therefore, the highest energy yield was obtained at high calorific value and low weight loss of biomass (SF 5.72).
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