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Received November 28, 2013
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산성 수열반응을 통한 키토산으로부터 레불린산의 생산
Production of Levulinic Acid from Chitosan by Acidic-Hydrothermal Reaction
부경대학교 생물공학과, 부산시 남구 용소로 45
Department of Biotechnology, Pukyong National University, 45 Yongso-ro, Nam-gu, Busan 608-739, Korea
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, June 2014, 52(3), 355-359(5), 10.9713/kcer.2014.52.3.355 Epub 2 June 2014
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최근 목질계, 미세조류, 해양 거대조류 등의 재생가능한 자원으로부터 생산된 많은 화학물질들이 화학산업에 도입되고 있다. 키틴/키토산은 지구상에서 두 번째로 풍부한 자원이며, 게, 새우, 곤충과 같은 갑각류의 껍질로부터 얻을 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 키토산으로부터 levulinic acid의 생산을 위하여 고온 산 가수분해와 실험계획법을 적용하여 반응 온도, 촉매량, 반응시간의 반응조건을 최적화 하였다. 결과적으로 반응온도와 촉매농도는 높을수록 levulinic acid의 생성이 증가하였고, 반응시간은 일정시간 이후에는 크게 영향을 미치지 못하였다. 최적 반응조건을 조사한 결과, 반응온도 175 oC, 촉매농도 2.4%, 그리고 반응시간 40.7분의 조건에서 2.7 g/L의 levulinic acid를 얻었다.
Recently, many chemicals produced from renewable resources such as lignocellulosics, micro-algae and marine macro-algae, were introduced to chemical industry. Chitin/chitosan is secondly abundant feedstock on Earth. It is easily obtained from crusraceans’ shells such as crab, shrimp and insects. In this work, we performed the acidic-hydrothermal hydrolysis to produce levulinic acid from chitosan using statistical approach. By design of response surface_x000D_
methodology, the effect of reaction temperature, catalyst amount, and reaction time and their reciprocal interactions were investigated. As a result, higher reaction temperature and catalyst amount increased the higher concentration of levulinic acid. However, reaction time did not caused large increase of levulinic acid after some reaction period. Levulinic acid of 2.7 g/L produced from chitosan in the optimized condition of reaction temperature of 175 oC, sulfuric acid of 2.4% and reaction time of 40.7 min.
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