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Received August 27, 2014
Accepted October 18, 2014
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아미노실란 표면 처리 조건이 담지메탈로센 촉매의 에틸렌 중합에 미치는 영향
Effect of Surface Treatment Condition of Aminosilane on Ethylene Polymerization of Supported Metallocene
공주대학교 화학공학부, 331-717 충남 천안시 부대동 275
Department of Chemical Engineering, Kongju National University, 275 Budae-dong, Cheonan-si, Chungnam 331-717, Korea
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, June 2015, 53(3), 397-400(4), 10.9713/kcer.2015.53.3.397 Epub 2 June 2015

N-[3-(Trimethoxysilyl)propyl]ethylenediamine (2NS)와 N1-(3-trimethoxysilylpropyl)diethylenetriamine (3NS), 3-cyanopropyltriethoxysilane (1NCy)를 실리카 표면에 grafting한 후 미반응된 화합물을 제거하기 위한 세척방법과 표면처리 온도가 촉매특성에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. Filtering법을 이용하여 합성된 담지 촉매의 Zr 담지량이 washing법 보다 높게 측정되었으나 중합 활성은 washing법으로 합성된 담지 촉매가 filtering법으로 합성된 담지 촉매보다 높았다. 표면처리 방법과 관계없이 SiO2/2NS/(n-BuCp)2ZrCl2>SiO2/1NCy/(n-BuCp)2ZrCl2>SiO2/3NS/(n-BuCp)2ZrCl2 순의 중합활성을 보였다. 아미노실란의 실리카 표면처리 온도가 증가하면 에틸렌 중합활성도 증가하였다.
The effects of surface treatment method of unreacted N-[3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl]ethylenediamine (2NS), N1-(3-trimethoxysilylpropyl)diethylenetriamine (3NS), and 3-cyanopropyltriethoxysilane (1NCy) after grafting on the surface of silica and of the surface treatment temperature on ethylene polymerization were investigated. The Zr content of supported catalyst employing filtering method was higher than that of washing method, and the activities of supported catalysts prepared by washing method were higher than those of filtering methods significantly. Regardless of surface treatment methods the activities were in order by SiO2/2NS/(n-BuCp)2ZrCl2>SiO2/1NCy/(n-BuCp)2ZrCl2>SiO2/3NS/(n-BuCp)2ZrCl2. The ethylene polymerization activity was increased as the surface treatment temperature of aminosilane on silica increased.
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