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Received February 5, 2018
Accepted June 4, 2018
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Torrefaction Effect on the Grindability Properties of Several Torrefied Biomasses
Daru Setyawan
Jiho Yoo
Sangdo Kim
Hokyung Choi
Youngjoon Rhim
Jeonghwan Lim
Sihyun Lee
Dong Hyuk Chun†
Clean Fuel Laboratory, Korea Institute of Energy Research, 152, Gajeong-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 34129, Korea
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, August 2018, 56(4), 547-554(8), 10.9713/kcer.2018.56.4.547 Epub 3 August 2018

Torrefaction is the promising process of pretreating biomass materials to increase the quality of their energy, especially to upgrade the materials’ grindability so that it is suitable for a commercial pulverizer machine. In this study, torrefaction of oak, bamboo, oil palm trunk, and rice husk was carried out under different torrefaction temperatures (300 °C, 330 °C, and 350 °C) and different torrefaction residence times (30, 45, and 60 minutes). Complete characterization of the torrefied biomass, including proximate analysis, calorific value, thermogravimetric analysis, mass yield, energy yield, and grindability properties (Hardgrove Grindability Index) was carried out. Increasing the torrefaction temperature and residence time significantly improved the calorific value, energy density (by reducing the product mass), and grindability of the product. Furthermore, for commercial purposes, the torrefaction conditions that produced the desired grindability properties of the torrefied product were 330 °C-30 minutes and 300 °C-45 minutes, and the latter condition produced a higher energy yield for bamboo, oil palm trunk, and rice husk; however, torrefaction of oak did not achieve the targeted grindability property values.
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Tumuluru JS, Sokhansanj S, Hess JR, Wright CT, Boardman RD, Ind. Biotechnol., 7(5), 384 (2011)
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Abnisa F, Arami-Niya A, Daud WMAW, Sahu JN, Noor IM, Energy Conv. Manag., 76, 1073 (2013)
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Correia R, Goncalves M, Nobre C, Mendes B, Bioresour. Technol., 223, 210 (2017)
Bridgeman TG, Jones JM, Williams A, Waldron DJ, Fuel, 89(12), 3911 (2010)
Chen DY, Zheng ZC, Fu KX, Zeng Z, Wang JJ, Lu MT, Fuel, 159, 27 (2015)
Bridgeman TG, Jones JM, Shield I, Williams PT, Fuel, 87(6), 844 (2008)
Strandberg M, Olofsson I, Pommer L, Wiklund-Lindstrom S, Aberg K, Nordin A, Fuel Process. Technol., 134, 387 (2015)