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Received February 28, 2019
Accepted March 13, 2019
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슬러리상 수첨분해 반응에서 아로마틱 유분 첨가에 따른 코크 저감 및 아스팔텐 전환 특성
Effect of Aromatic Additives on the Coke Reduction and the Asphaltene Conversion in a Slurry-phase Hydrocracking
1한국에너지기술연구원 기후변화연구본부, 34129 대전광역시 유성구 가정로 152 2과학기술연합대학원대학교(UST), 34113 대전광역시 유성구 가정로 217 3한국화학연구원 CCP융합연구단, 34114 대전광역시 유성구 가정로 141
1Climate Change Research Division, Korea Institute of Energy Research, 152, Gajeongro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 34129, Korea 2University of Science and Technology, 217, Gajeong-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 34113, Korea 3Center for Convergent Chemical Process, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology, 141, Gajeong-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 34114, Korea
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, April 2019, 57(2), 244-252(9), 10.9713/kcer.2019.57.2.244 Epub 5 April 2019
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본 연구에서는 감압잔사유를 원료로 몰리브덴 계열 분산촉매와 수소를 첨가한 슬러리상 수첨분해 반응(반응온도 425 °C, 초기 80 °C 수소압력 80 bar, 반응시간 4시간, 촉매농도 500 ppm)에 아로마틱 성분을 포함하며 각기 다른 쌍극자 모멘트를 가지는 Toluene, FCC Light Cycle Oil (LCO), Resin을 반응 초기 및 중간에 첨가하여 이때의 코크 저감효과와 아스팔텐 반응특성 변화를 살펴보았다. 실험 결과 아로마틱 유분을 첨가한 경우 코크 저감효과는 모두 유사했던 반면, 상대적으로 쌍극자 모멘트가 큰 LCO와 Resin을 첨가한 경우 아스팔텐이 가스와 말텐 성분으로 더 전환되었음을 확인하였다. 또한 반응 중간에 아로마틱 유분을 첨가한 결과 코크 저감능력에서 차이를 보이지 않았으나, LCO를 반응 2시간 지점에 첨가한 경우 오히려 코크 수율이 증가하였고 오일상 내 아스팔텐의 aromaticity 가 증가하여 상대적으로 분산되기 어려운 구조로 존재함을 알 수 있었다.
This study investigated the effect of addition of aromatics such as Toluene/LCO/resin on the coke depression and asphaltene conversion. The experiment was carried out with vacuum residue as a feedstock with Molybdenum dispersed catalysts under the slurry-phase hydrocracking condition (Temp. of 425 °C, H2 pressure of 80 bar at 80 °C, reaction time of 4 hr, Mo-concentration of 500 ppm). As results, the coke reduction was shown to be similar irrespective of types of aromatics, while asphaltene was more converted to gas and maltene when LCO and resin with higher dipole moment were added. The addition of aromatics with change of reaction time showed no difference in terms of depression of coke formation. But the addition of LCO rather increased the coke yield after 2 hr. And it was found that asphaltene in liquid phase had the higher aromaticity index so that asphaltene is difficult to disperse in oil phase.
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Bannayan MA, Lemke HK, Kirk Stephenson W, Editors. Elsevier. p. 273-281 1996,
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Diehl P, Kellerhals H, Niederberger W, J. Magn. Reson., 4(3), 352 (1971)
Tanaka R, Hunt JE, Winans RE, Thiyagarajan P, Sato S, Takanohashi T, Energy Fuels, 17(1), 127 (2003)
Ancheyta J, Trejo F, Rana MS, “Asphaltenes: Chemical Transformation During Hydroprocessing of Heavy Oils,” 2010: CRC press.
Ancheyta J, Centeno G, Trejo F, Marroquin G, Energy Fuels, 17(5), 1233 (2003)