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Received February 19, 2019
Accepted March 22, 2019
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Extraction/Separations of Cobalt by Supported Liquid Membrane: A Review

Materials Science and Chemical Engineering Center, Institute for Advanced Engineering (IAE), 175-28, Goan-ro 51beon-gil, Baegam-myeon, Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, 17180, Korea
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, June 2019, 57(3), 313-320(8), 10.9713/kcer.2019.57.3.313 Epub 3 June 2019
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Extraction/separation of cobalt by supported liquid membrane has been reviewed. The review discusses various directions associated with the supported liquid membrane process, such as the kind of supported liquid membrane, the principle of supported liquid membrane, transport mechanism involved, and the advantages and disadvantages of the supported liquid. Finally, extraction and separation of cobalt from other metals using extractant through supported liquid membrane have been reviewed. Separation of cobalt using various reagents and cobalt recovery from scrap using commercial extractant can be a potential perspective from the application of supported liquid membrane application.


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