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Received August 18, 2021
Accepted November 2, 2021
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재생에너지 기반 청정 수소 운송 에너지 시스템 모사 연구
Simulation Study of Renewable Power based Green Hydrogen Mobility Energy Supply Chain Systems
동국대학교 경주캠퍼스 창의융합공학부, 38066 경북 경주시
Division of Creative Conversion Engineering, Dongguk University, Gyeongju Campus 123, Dongdae-ro, Gyeongju-si 38066, Korea
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, February 2022, 60(1), 34-50(17), 10.9713/kcer.2022.60.1.34 Epub 24 January 2022
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파리 기후 협약 이후 온실 가스 감축은 전세계적으로 가장 중요한 문제이다. 특히 상당한 온실 가스를 배출하는 교통운송 부문의 화석 연료 감축이 시급하다. 본 논문에서는 이에 대한 대안으로 재생에너지원에서 생산된 전기 에너지로 수소를 생산하여 수소 자동차에 연료로 공급하는 그린 모빌리티 에너지 시스템의 경제성을 검토하였다. 시스템 설계에 필요한 재생에너지 발전, 수전해 통한 수소 생산, 수소 저장과 충전소 등 여러가지 결정사항들에 대해 9 가지 시나리오를 구성하여 그에 대한 최적 설계 및 운영 비용을 분석하였다. 본 연구에서 얻어진 경험은 현실적 수소 에너지 시스템을 구축하는데 활용될 수 있을 것이다.
Since the Paris climate agreement, reducing greenhouse gases has been the most important global issue. In particular, it is necessary to reduce fossil fuels in the mobility sector, which accounts for a significant portion of total greenhouse gas emissions. In this paper, we investigated the economic feasibility of green mobility energy supply chains, which supply hydrogen as fuel to hydrogen vehicles based on electricity from renewable energy sources. The design and operation costs were analyzed by evaluating nine scenarios representing various combinatorial possibilities such as renewable energy generation, hydrogen production through water electrolytes, hydrogen storage and hydrogen refueling stations. Simulation calculations were made using Homer Pro, widely used commercial software in the field. The experience gained in this study could be further utilized to construct actual hydrogen energy systems.
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Kalinci Y, Hepbasli A, Dincer I, Int. J. Hydrog. Energy, 40(24), 7652 (2015)
Fazelpour F, Soltani N, Rosen MA, Int. J. Hydrog. Energy, 41(19), 7732 (2016)
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Singh A, Baredar P, Gupta B, Energy Conv. Manag., 145, 398 (2017)
Das HS, Tan CW, Yatim A, Lau KY, Renew. Sust. Energ. Rev., 76, 1332 (2017)
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Vendoti S, Muralidhar M, Kiranmayi R, Energy Rep., 6, 594 (2020)
Ekren O, Canbaz CH, Guvel CB, J. Clean Prod., 279, 123615 (2021)
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Hawng GJ, Choi HS, Membr. J., 27, 477 (2017)
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“Average Mileage of Automobile,” KOTSA, 54(2018).
Charabi Y, Abdul-Wahab S, Renew Wind Water Sol, 7, 5 (2020)
Manwell JF, McGowan JG, Rogers AL, Wind Energy Explained: Theory, Design and Application, 2nd ed., Wiley, USA, NJ (2009).
Jahangir MH, Shahsavari A, Rad MAV, J. Clean Prod., 262, 121250 (2020)
Lata-Garcia J, Jurado F, Fernandez-Ramirez LM, Sanchez-Sainz H, Energy, 159, 611 (2018)
Gokcek M, Kale C, Energy Conv. Manag., 161, 215 (2018)
Fragiacomo P, Genovese M, Int. J. Hydrog. Energy, 45, 27457 (2020)