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Received June 17, 2022
Accepted July 22, 2022
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SEMI S6를 적용한 CVD 설비의 폭발분위기 조성 가능성 분석
Explosion Likelihood Investigation of Facility Using CVD Equipment Using SEMI S6
한국교통대학교 안전공학과, 27469 충북 충주시 대소원면 대학로 50
Department of Safety Engineering, Korea National University of Transportation, 50, Daehak-ro, Chungju, Chungbuk, 27469, Korea
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, February 2023, 61(1), 62-67(6), 10.9713/kcer.2023.61.1.62 Epub 26 January 2023
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반도체, 디스플레이 등 IT(Information Technology) 제품 수요 증가로 관련 산업이 확대되고 있다. 이는 생산설비 증 설과 화학물질 사용 증가로 이어지며 화재·폭발의 위험성에도 영향을 미치고 있다. 이러한 위험요인에 대해 정부는 오 래전부터 인화성 물질을 제조·사용·취급하는 장소의 사고 예방을 위하여 산업안전보건법 및 KS 기준에 따라 폭발위험 장소로 설정하여 관리토록 하고 있다. 그러나, 폭발위험장소를 설정할 때, 중요한 요소인 환기량을 고려하지 않아 실 질적인 폭발분위기 조성 가능성을 예측하기는 쉽지 않다. 이 연구에서는 디스플레이 산업에서 주요 공정인 CVD(Chemical Vapor Deposition) 설비에 SEMI S6 Exhaust Ventilation Test 방법을 적용하여 위험한 설비의 환기 성 능을 평가하고, 폭발분위기 조성 가능성을 확인하였다. 그 결과, 가상의 시나리오 내에서 환기 성능이 SEMI S6에서 규정한 기준에 적합하였고, 폭발분위기가 조성될 가능성이 낮음을 확인하였다. 따라서, KS 규격뿐만 아니라 공학적 기 법으로 폭발분위기의 형성 여부를 예측한 연구 결과를 통해 합리적이고 경제적인 사고 예방에 도움이 될 것으로 기대 된다.
Due to the prolonged impact of COVID-19, the demand for Information Technology (IT) products is increasing, and their production facilities are expanded. Consequently, the use of harmful and dangerous chemicals are increased, the risk of fire(s) and explosion(s) is also elevated. In order to mitigate these risks, the government sets standards, such as KS C IEC 60079-10-1, and manages explosion-prone hazardous facilities where flammable substances are manufactured, used, and handled. However, using the standards of KS, it is difficult to predict the actual possibility of an explosion in a facility, because ventilation (an important factor) is not considered when setting up a hazardous work environment. In this study, the SEMI S6, Tracer Gas Test was applied to the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) facility, a major part of the display industry, to evaluate ventilation performance and to confirm the possibility of creating a less explosive environment. Based on the results, it was confirmed that the ventilation performance in the assumed scenarios met the standards stipulated in SEMI S6, along with supporting the possibility of creating a less explosive working condition. Therefore, it is recommended to use the prediction tool using engineering techniques, as well as KS standards, in such hazardous environments to prevent accidents and/or reduce economic burden following accidents.
KEIT PD Issue Report, vol 22-1,2, p. 126, 2022.
Article 230 of Ordinance of the Ministry of Employment and Labor No. 337 (Partial Amendment 2021.11.19.)
Explosive atmospheres - Part 10-1:Classification of areas - Explosive gas atmospheres, 2017.
Choi JY, Korean J. Hazard. Mater., 6(1), 8 (2018)
Kim NS, “A Study on Application of Ventilation and Classification of Explosion Hazardous Area According to the Revised KS Standard,” Ph.D Thesis of Incheon National University, 70-73, (2018).
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SEMI S6-0618 – Environmental, Health, and Safety Guideline for Exhaust Ventilation of Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment.
SEMI S2-0821 – Environmental, Health, and Safety Guideline for Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment.
Article 230 of Ordinance of the Ministry of Employment and Labor No. 337 (Partial Amendment 2021.11.19.)
Explosive atmospheres - Part 10-1:Classification of areas - Explosive gas atmospheres, 2017.
Choi JY, Korean J. Hazard. Mater., 6(1), 8 (2018)
Kim NS, “A Study on Application of Ventilation and Classification of Explosion Hazardous Area According to the Revised KS Standard,” Ph.D Thesis of Incheon National University, 70-73, (2018).
Kim NS, et al., J. Korean Institute of Gas, 22(4), 27 (2018)
Kim DY, et al., J. Korea Safety Management Science, 19(2), 31 (2017)
Seo M, et al., J. Korean Institute of Gas, 22(4), 13 (2018)
Noh HS, et al., J. Korean Institutef Gas, 22(1), 78 (2018)
Shin SM, “A Study on the Establishment of Hazardous Classification Area for Scrubber with Cabinet Type at Semiconductor Process, 50-54, (2019).
Kim SR, et al., J. Korean Institute Gas, 24(2), 15 (2020)
SEMI S6-0618 – Environmental, Health, and Safety Guideline for Exhaust Ventilation of Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment.
SEMI S2-0821 – Environmental, Health, and Safety Guideline for Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment.