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국내산 무연탄의 순환유동층 연소특성 연구

Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion of Korean Anthracite

HWAHAK KONGHAK, June 1996, 34(3), 321-326(6), NONE
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국내산 무연탄(발열량:4.529kcal/kg,회분:38%)의 순환유동층 시험 연소로에서의 연소현상을 고찰하였다. 대상탄은 삼척지역에서 채광된 무연탄으로 평균입경 0.39mm로 분쇄한 후 연소로에 공급하였다. 석탄공급속도에 따른 온도분포,과잉공기율 변화에 따른 연소효율, 석회석 투여에 따른 탈황효과, 기타 연소조건이 SOx와 CO, NOx발생에 미치는 영향 등을 고찰하였다. 연소효율은 과잉공기 15%에서 최대 96%로 나타났으며, 탈황효율은 Ca/S 몰비 2.3에서 92%로 나타났다. CO배출은 반응기 온도에 따라 최저 210ppm에서 최고 720ppm으로 나타났으며, 석탄 중 질소성분의 NOx로의 전환은 1차 공기의 비율에 따라 4-10%범위에서 변화하였다.
Combustion characteristics of Korean anthracite with heating value of 4.529kcal/kg and ash content of 38% in a circulating fluidized bed test unit was investigated. Feed coal was received from the mines of Samchuk province and sized to average diameter of 0.39mm. The effect of coal feed rate on temperature profiles, the effect of excess air on combustion efficiency, sorbent effect on desulfurization, and the effect of operating variables on the emission of SOx and NOx were monitored during opearation. Highest combustion efficiency of 96% was attained at the excess air ratio of 15%. Sulfur retention of 92% was achieved at the Ca/S mole ratio of 2.3 Carbon monoxide emission was varied between 210-720 ppm according to combustor temperature. Conversion of fuel nitrogen to NOx varied 4-10% by primary air ratio.


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