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Zinc Titanate를 이용한 고온건식 탈황반응연구

A Study of Desulfurization Reaction using Zinc Titanate at High-Temperature

HWAHAK KONGHAK, October 1997, 35(5), 642-648(7), NONE
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ZnO와 TiO2로 구성된 고온건식 탈황제의 환원, 황화 및 재생반응 특성을 열천칭 반응기에서 수행하였다. TiO2가 추가된 아연계 탈황제는 ZnO의 환원과 Zn으로의 휘발이 감소하였으며, 탈황제의 사용 온도를 증가시켜 주었다. 650-750 ℃의 온도 범위에서 황화반응의 전환율은 온도에 무관하였지만, 재생반응의 전환율은 비교적 온도의 영향을 받는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 전체적인 반응속도가 물질전달과 표면확산저항에 의해 좌우되는 미반응핵모델을 사용하여 H2S와 실린더형 탈황제의 반응을 해석하였다. 물질전달계수와 유효확산도의 온도 의존성을 실험결과로부터 얻을 수 있었다.
The reduction, sulfidation and regeneration characteristics of high temperature desulfurization sorbents composed of zinc oxide titanium oxides have been studied in a TGA reactor. The addition of titanium oxides significantly reduced zinc oxide reduction and subsequent volatilization of metallic zinc and increased the maximum sorbent operating temperature. In the temperature range of primary interest(650-750℃) the conversion for the sulfidation reaction was independent of reaction temperatures, while the conversion for regeneration was a relatively weak function of reaction temperature. Also, the reaction between H2S and a single cylindrical pellet of zinc titanate sorbent was described by a special case of the unreacted core model in which the global reaction rate is controlled by mass transfer and product layer diffusion resistances. The temperature dependence of the mass transfer coefficient and the effective diffusivity could be calculated from experimental data.


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