ISSN: 0304-128X ISSN: 2233-9558
Copyright © 2025 KICHE. All rights reserved


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In relation to this article, we declare that there is no conflict of interest.
Publication history
Received October 2, 2021
Accepted November 16, 2021
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Copyright © KIChE. All rights reserved.

Most Cited

Application of Scaling Theories to Estimate Particle Aggregation in a Colloidal Suspension

Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Sangmyung University, Seoul 03016, Korea
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, May 2022, 60(2), 260-266(7), 10.9713/kcer.2022.60.2.260 Epub 27 April 2022
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Average aggregate size in particulate suspensions is estimated with scaling theories based on fractal concept and elasticity of colloidal gel. The scaling theories are used to determine structure parameters of the aggregates, i.e., fractal dimension and power-law exponent for aggregate size reduction with shear stress using scaling behavior of elastic modulus and shear yield stress as a function of particle concentration. The structure parameters are utilized to predict aggregate size which varies with shear stress through rheological modeling. Experimentally rheological measurement is conducted for aqueous suspension of zinc oxide particles with average diameter of 110 nm. The predicted aggregate size is about 1135 nm at 1 s-1 and 739 nm at 1000 s-1 on the average over the particle concentrations. It has been found that the predicted aggregate size near 0.1 s-1 agrees with that the measured one by a dynamic light scattering analyzer operated un-sheared.


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