ISSN: 0304-128X ISSN: 2233-9558
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Received December 30, 2021
Accepted March 23, 2022
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Enhanced Arsenic(V) Removal from Aqueous Solution by a Novel Magnetic Biochar Derived from Dairy Cattle Manure

Department of Energy Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Istiklal Campus, Burdur, Turkey 1Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Eskişehir Tecnical University, İki Eylül Campus, Eskişehir, Turkey 2Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Ankara University, Beşevler 10. Yıl Campus, Ankara, Turkey 3Department of Material Sciences Engineering, Graduate School of Natural Sciences, Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Istiklal Campus, Burdur, Turkey
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, August 2022, 60(3), 423-432(10), 10.9713/kcer.2022.60.3.423 Epub 18 July 2022
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Magnetic biochar produced from pyrolysis of dairy cattle manure was used to develop an effective sorbent for arsenic purification from aqueous solution. Biomass and magnetized biomass were pyrolyzed in a tube furnace with 10℃/min heating rate at 450℃ under nitrogen flow of 100 cm3/min for 2 h. Biochars were characterized by SEM-EDX, BET, XDR, FTIR, TGA, zeta potential analysis. The resultant biochar and magnetic biochar were opposed to 50-100- 500 ppm As(V) laden aqueous solution. Adsorption experiments were performed by using ASTM 4646-03 batch method. The effects of concentration, pH, temperature and stirring rate on adsorption were evaluated. As(V) was successfully removed from aqueous solution by magnetic biochar due to its highly porous structure, high aromaticity and polarity. The results suggest dairy cattle manure pyrolysis is a promising route for managing animal manure and producing a cost effective biosorbent for efficient immobilization of arsenic in aqueous solutions.


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