ISSN: 0304-128X ISSN: 2233-9558
Copyright © 2025 KICHE. All rights reserved


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In relation to this article, we declare that there is no conflict of interest.
Publication history
Received January 19, 2022
Accepted February 23, 2022
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Most Cited

Helical Ribbon Impeller의 중심축과 스트럿이 혼합성능에 미치는 영향

Effect of Helical Ribbon Impeller’s Center Shaft & Lateral Supporting Struts on Mixing Performance

동양대학교 산학협력단, 36040 경북 영주시 풍기읍 동양대로 145
Industry-Academy Cooperation Foundation of Dongyang University, 145 Dongyangdae-ro, Punggi-eup, Yeongju-si, Gyungbuk, 36040, Korea
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, August 2022, 60(3), 468-471(4), 10.9713/kcer.2022.60.3.468 Epub 18 July 2022
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헬리컬 리본 임펠러 교반조의 중심축과 헬리컬 리본을 지지하는 스트럿의 영향을 실험과 가시화를 통하여 검토한 결과, 액위 변화에 따른 불완전 혼합부의 발생 등 혼합성능에 크게 악영향을 미치는 것은 종 방향의 중심축이 아니라 횡 방향의 스트럿임을 밝혔다.
The influence of the central axis and the strut supporting the helical ribbon was investigated in a helical ribbon impeller mixing tank through experiments and visualization. As a result, the strut, which is in the transverse direction, turned out to have a significant adverse effect on the mixing performance such as the occurrence of incomplete mixing region from the change of the liquid level. In contrast, the central axis, which in the longitudinal direction, did not show much adverse effects.


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