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Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, September 1995, 12(4), 442-447(6), 10.1007/BF02705808
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The LEA model has been analyzed by comparing to other chromatographic theoretical approaches. In the LEA model a layer of equilibrium adsorption, Le, serves as an effective kinetic constant. For the layer Le, the concentration issuing from this layer is in equilibrium with the average value of adsorption on the whole layer at any moment of time. The value of Le, is determined from all factors which broaden the chromatographic zone. Such an approach permits us to combine the features of the mass balance (solute continuity in a chromatographic column), of the mass transfer phenomenon, and of the adsorption isotherm into a single first order differential equation. Apart from other layer-by-layer models, the LEA model supposes that over the whole column a continuous (real) distribution of adsorption a(L, t) and concentration c(L, t) is observed. The usefulness of the LEA model in developing a chromato-graphic theory has been disussed.


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