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Received June 24, 2004
Accepted October 24, 2004
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A Simplified Expression for the Hard-Sphere Dimer Fluid Radial Distribution Function
School of Chemical Engineering & Institute of Chemical Processes, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-742, Korea
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, January 2005, 22(1), 103-107(5), 10.1007/BF02701470
Recently, in our laboratory a closed form expression for the correlation function of the hard-sphere dimer fluid obtained from Wertheims multidensity Ornstein-Zernike integral equation theory with Percus-Yevick approximation was presented by Kim et al. [2001]. However, it is difficult to apply its expression to perturbation theory and vapor-liquid equilibria calculations, since it is of very complex form. In this work, we present a simplified expression for the first shell of the radial distribution function (RDF) of the hard-sphere dimer fluid using a series expansion of the analytical expression. The expansion is carried out in terms of both the packing fraction and the radial distance. Expressions are also obtained for the coordination number and its first and second derivatives as functions of radial distance and packing fraction. These expressions, which are useful in perturbation theory, are simpler to use than those obtained from the starting equation, while giving good agreement with the original expression results. Then we present an simplified equation of state for the square-well dimer fluid of variable well width ( λ) based on Barker-Henderson perturbation theory using its expression for the radial distribution function of the hard-sphere dimer fluid, and test its expression with NVT and Gibbs ensemble Monte Carlo simulation data [Kim et al., 2001].
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