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Received October 31, 2022
Revised March 8, 2023
Accepted March 19, 2023
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TiO2 based nanomaterial: Synthesis, structure, photocatalytic properties, and removal of dyes from wastewater
Owing to its complex chemical makeup, dye pollution from the textile sector poses a serious challenge for
wastewater. Using a photocatalyst with light irradiation to remove color from wastewater is a potential wastewater treatment technique. The majority of harmful dyes are resistant to biodegradation, which reduces the effectiveness of biological wastewater treatment facilities. A well-known photocatalyst for wastewater treatment, titanium dioxide is typically
utilized in suspensions in photoreactions. TiO2 based nanomaterial offers some benefits over other materials, including
its inexpensive cost, low toxicity, high photochemical reactivity, and capacity for generalized oxidative attack. By doing
so, it can encourage the breakdown of certain target organic molecules while just slightly altering operational parameters. The aim of this review is to highlight the different method for synthesis and its characterization. This review also
highlights the different type of TiO2/composite as photocatalyst for removal of dyes. The general mechanism of photocatalytic effect of TiO2 has been discussed expansively. This paper takes a thorough approach to the many outcomes of
the researchers' efforts to remove dyes from wastewater.
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