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이중기포탑에서의 액체의 흐름
The Flow Pattern of Liquid in a Gas-Lift Column
HWAHAK KONGHAK, June 1980, 18(3), 133-140(8), NONE
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내부폭기형 동심원통 이중기포관내에서의 액체의 유동특성을 물-공기계에 관하여 실험적으로 연구하였다. 액체 혼합의 정도는 폭기관에서는 연속 혼합조 흐름(tanks-in-series flow) 그리고 순환관에서는 플라그 흐름(plug flow)으로 표시되는 유동모형에 의하여 적합하게 표현될 수 있었다. 폭기관의 단위 탱크의 높이에 해당하는 단위혼합높이(Height of Mixing Unit)를 정의하고 유입액체와 기체에 따른 이의 관계식을 제시하였다.
The flow pattern of liquid was experimentally studied in a gas-lift column where water and air were continuously introduced into the inner column of two coaxial cylinders.
The flow of liquid in the inner aeration column was well represented by the tanks-in-series model while that in the recycle column was more close to plug flow.
The height of mixing unit(HMU) was defined as height of unit tank in the aeration column and was correlated to the gas and liquid velocities.
The flow of liquid in the inner aeration column was well represented by the tanks-in-series model while that in the recycle column was more close to plug flow.
The height of mixing unit(HMU) was defined as height of unit tank in the aeration column and was correlated to the gas and liquid velocities.