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Received December 5, 2016
Accepted March 31, 2017
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A Brief review of Aragonite Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (PCC) Synthesis Methods and

Department of R&D Team, Hanil Cement Corporation, 302, Maepo-ri, Maepo-eup, Danyang, Chungbuk, 27003, Korea 1Mineral Processing Division, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM), 124, Gwahak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 34132, Korea
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, August 2017, 55(4), 443-455(13), 10.9713/kcer.2017.55.4.443 Epub 4 August 2017
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This article provides an exclusive overview of the synthesized aragonite precipitated calcium carbonate and its applications in various fields. The last decade has seen a steady increase in the number of publications describing the synthesis, characterization and applications of calcium carbonate morphologies. Mainly, two kinds of processes have been developed for the synthesis of aragonite precipitated calcium carbonate under controlled temperature, concentrations and aging, and the final product is single-phase needle-like aragonite precipitated calcium carbonate formed. This review is mainly focused on the history of developed methods for synthesizing aragonite PCC, crystal growth mechanisms and carbonation kinetics. Carbonation is an economic, simple and ecofriendly process. Aragonite PCC is a new kind of functional filler in the paper and plastic industries, nowadays; aragonite PCC synthesis is the most exciting and important industrial application due to numerous attractive properties. This paper describes the aragonite PCC synthetic approaches and discusses some properties and applications.


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