ISSN: 0304-128X ISSN: 2233-9558
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Received June 25, 2019
Accepted July 22, 2019
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Onset of Buoyancy-Driven Convection in a Fluid-Saturated Porous Layer Bounded by Semi-infinite Coaxial Cylinders

Department of Chemical Engineering, Jeju National University, 102, Jejudaehak-ro, Jeju-si, Jeju-do, 63243, Korea
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, October 2019, 57(5), 723-729(7), 10.9713/kcer.2019.57.5.723 Epub 20 September 2019
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A theoretical analysis was conducted of convective instability driven by buoyancy forces under transient temperature fields in an annular porous medium bounded by coaxial vertical cylinders. Darcy’s law and Boussinesq approximation are used to explain the characteristics of fluid motion and linear stability theory is employed to predict the onset of buoyancy-driven motion. The linear stability equations are derived in a global domain, and then cast into in a self-similar domain. Using a spectral expansion method, the stability equations are reformed as a system of ordinary differential equations and solved analytically and numerically. The critical Darcy-Rayleigh number is founded as a function of the radius ratio. Also, the onset time and corresponding wavelength are obtained for the various cases. The critical time becomes smaller with increasing the Darcy-Rayleigh number and follows the asymptotic relation derived in the infinite horizontal porous layer.


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